Chapter 7. Touching

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Miles was very embarrassed. He ran to the toilets, where he motioned for him to enter a bathroom. There were barely two, there was little space, and he was agitated. - Are you okay with me doing it? -

-Well .... you certainly can't make me more of a monster than that- she tried to smile at him, a little crooked.

Miles took some cream from the tube, put it on his fingers, placed it on his cheek. He started spreading it on her face. He was hot, and not just because he was very tight.
-You don't have to do it ....-
She told him closing her eyes
- I see that you are uncomfortable.

Miles didn't answer. He held his breath, moving closer to make up his right eye and cheekbone. With his fingers she applied the makeup. He had warm skin.
-So .... won't you tell me anything? -He whispered as soon as he did.
-You didn't tell me anything either- he commented. He hardly had his voice anymore. He saw those blue eyes following his movements attentively, he could hear his rapid breathing. He could smell it. It was intense, manly, and he liked it.

-I don't feel in a position to ask questions here-

-Me neither,- he said, lingering with his fingers on his skin longer than necessary, saw his face contract because it had hurt.
"Sorry," he said. -Okay, okay, I know I shouldn't ask, but you know I'm dying to do it-
-yes I know- and despite the pain or the Closed Eyes he smiled sweetly
-be ... only if you also make me some confidence ... what do you think?

"The confidence is that you smell good, and I like another guy's perfume, I like your perfume and I really don't understand why."
-There isn't much to say. I hit a corner-

-Sure, just like I fell down the stairs- he replied sarcastically.
-And we're both smart enough to know they're both lies, right?- he whispered.
There was such tension between them, locked in that ridiculously tight space, where they were close, not only physically.
Miles didn't speak for a while.
-Maybe it wasn't an edge. It was a hand. But just maybe .- he admitted, with a smirk.
And she looked at his eye, then picked up more makeup.
-Do I hurt you?-

-It does not matter. Pain is an old friend. I may have tripped over a couple of fists and knees - he squinted and looked at him
-Don't be scared, eh ... but you have a nice smile.-

The boy winced.
"Thanks ... it's easier now, to find myself in a narrow space with you praising my smile."
-You're a pimp- he said, hoping he wasn't blushing, as he concentrated on the black moat around his right eye.
I chuckle, immediately bringing a hand up to the ribs.
-It might not have been a great idea to laugh ...-
He put a hand on his chest before he realized what he was doing.
-Don't tell me he broke your ribs? he asked indignantly. After a few moments, he took his hand away. - Heaven, sorry, sorry ...- he said, then. But what was he apologizing for? For having hurt him? Of having touched him?
-Quiet Miles ... you haven't done anything wrong- he said, even though his heart didn't quite agree, and he still wanted her hand on his chest.
-I don't know .... maybe broken just no ... sure cracked. You haven't asked me the most important question yet though.-
Miles hesitated, looking him in the eye. He had a fast heartbeat, he had a vein on his neck that throbbed faster. -Would you answer me? -
Phoenix was slightly embarrassed but she didn't look away
-It's just the two of us ... I could- he whispered.
He looked at his face. His lip swollen. Tired eyes. But it was a little better now. She finally she asked.

-I told you that my father comes and goes right? Well, every now and then, I would often say, he leaves me a nice little gift - he tried to play down.
Miles did not speak. "What about your mother?" He asked, running a hand over his sweaty forehead.
-A victim too ...- he whispered
-Look, I see you're very hot .... shall we go out? -He said reluctantly.
-It's the space ... I ... the tight spaces ...- he sighed, holding on to the wall.
He looked at Phoenix, her body still giving off that extraordinary scent. Intense. He heard the bell ring, and winced, realizing that he was looking at him a little too intently, and that the other had noticed.
He opened the door. -Ok, maybe it's time to go out ...-
-You weren't forced to be with me in a tight space but .... thank you very much- and he dared to look in the mirror
He did not deny it. He slipped out of the bathroom, quick as a ferret. As he closed his sister's portable makeup bag, his fingers trembled.
-How does the result look like? -He asked him, while Phoenix admired himself in the mirror.

-I am not an expert, but at least I don't look like an eggplant. So I think that's great! he commented.
- Anyway next time don't worry okay? You don't need to make an effort to help me. We could have done it out here too, where we have more space .. Or not at all, it's not the first time I've come to school all pounded. - he looked at him, serious.
-Thanks anyway. It was a nice gesture. You're not that ruthless after all.
Thoughtful, he broke into a stupid laugh.
-Or, we could say we broke each other's faces! -
Miles giggle heartily with him.
-the math teacher wouldn't have taken it well, would he? -
Phoenix looked at him tenderly. -No, I do not think so.-
-Well ... not even my stepfather ...-
And then he laughed, because it was the very last thing he was thinking about right now.
An instinct stronger than him followed. He didn't ask questions, he smiled back, enjoying the pleasant sound of his laughter. He raised a hand and touched his slightly swollen face.
Phoenix did the same, returning his gesture.
- I'm sorry you know. Nobody should suffer from this. Especially you, Miles.-
-Even you.-
They looked at each other, breathless.
Miles closed his eyes, enjoying that caress. Then he shook himself and walked away, realizing it has been a weird, embarrassing gesture ... what were they doing? And why had he liked it so much? Why was his stupid heart beating fast?
The smile faded from his face.
-We have to go, Phoenix. - he said, agitated.
The other boy dropped his hand beside him and nodded.
-Certain. It would be suspicious if we went together, though. You go first, I'll wait a while.-
-Suspicious?- He asked. -Why? Oh...! -
And then he blushed, and without asking anything else - how silly he was! - he quickly got out of the bathroom. His hands were still sweaty and shaking.
Something had happened that morning in that little bathroom that had turned into a confessional. Miles had tasted a new feeling, and his miserable heart craved for more.

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