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"Come and rescue me
I'm burning
can't you see?
Come and rescue me
only you can
set me free."

Tokio Hotel, Rescue me


Hello everyone! If you are here reading my words, thank you!
I am an italian girl and I wrote this fanfiction with a friend of mine. This is the result of a veeery long RP that I tried to translate (we had a lot of fun writing it!) because in my opinion it turned in something really nice. I loved every page of it. Sometimes writing help us a lot. Yes, we should let go our favourite characters. But it is difficult. So we write of them, to make them alive, to take them with us a little longer. Stories are our salvation in this world. Don't you think so?

Sorry for the various mistakes, as told I am not English, I understand the language better than write it and I have no beta readers (what a pity!). By the way, if do you like this story, please leave a comment or a star, every little feedback will be appreciated, and I will be happy to post the next chapters.

The digital cover is mine :)

Happy 2022!

The pain of Turnabouts ~ An Ace Attorney Fanfiction Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt