Chapter 8. Scared

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As soon as Miles was gone, Phoenix deflated like a balloon, realizing the entire retained voltage. It had been a truly intense moment. Meanwhile, Miles was running in the classroom. Some students had already entered but the professor of literature, thankfully, was always late. He had taken place at his lonely bench in the front row. Still the breath did not find Requie. His hand. Heck, his hand! Phoenix's hand on his cheek. Its proximity. His profile. Its perfume. The heart that beat him so strong. "I reacted like that because I didn't see it for a long time," he said. Yet he had never felt like this. Never: neither for the proximity of a girl or a boy. Not that he had ever allowed someone to approach him apart from Franziska.

A few minutes passed before Phoenix, with a decisive step and a fake quiet expression, passed by. Then, before overtaking it, without being able to stay, he gave him a complicit smile. Miles made him a smile that seemed more abortion of a smile. He didn't know how he feels, but he was sure he wouldn't have to feel so happy. Phoenix, on the contrary, never cared about feelings, had other grains to think about. As long as the feelings were good, it was said that he had nothing to fear. With Miles it was all strangely more intense and difficult to decipher, but it was also beautiful. Electric. Different from anything else. The day of class started like all the others, the subjects and tasks followed. With math, Miles continued to be a disaster. The right and the economy, on the other hand, was his fort. Precise laws, exact sentences. In mathematics there were too many unknowns. He didn't understand them. During the interval, after the math time, seeing Miles all-cressed, Phoenix decided to approach. -Miles? - -What do you want? "He asked, a little abrupt. He considered it appropriate to maintain the distances. They had already been close enough, and he was still unable to understand how he felt about it. A part of him wanted to just ask him to strok him again, and then, and then.
And then.
Phoenix felt embittered: standing next to Mile was like adapting to dance with a crazy dancer, who stepped forward and two back. As a burning, he walked away abruptly, fearing he had done something wrong. The only problem was that the sudden movement tore an imprecation of pain. -Merded with a sore expression and the hand running at the -Phoenix ribs? - he asked him, apprehensive. Then he retraced his hand he instinctively was running to him, looking for the confidence born a few hours before, he just denied. Trading hand. -Ehm, see you caution - he alerted. Phoenix looked at him a little sadly.

"Ha, thanks," he said. - I wanted to see how you would have taken if I was offered to explain the math exercises but I am no longer sure that it is a great idea-
-I am very good at making them. - he paused. -Ok, I'm not very good, but I don't want your help- he said.
And they were bad words, perhaps, but close to him he felt too strange, and it seemed to him all wrong, or maybe too right because he could happen to him.

He didn't deserve it. He wasn't up to it. For Phoenix it was like receiving a bucket of cold water in the head.
The disappointment had to read him in his face. "He didn't just say, blocked on the spot without being good to put a coherent phrase together. "I wanted to offend" he said then. -Solo ...-

"I just wouldn't want to stay alone with you. Or maybe I want it so much that it hurts to want it. I know I would like to stress me again. You had on the tip of your fingers some little colored patch of red, and I smelled the acrylic, and it is

-... Just don't want my help. Clear.- He said. -No problem. I come back to ... to make myself my business then. -

He said, moving away towards his bench. He looked at him. And he wanted to stop him, but he didn't courage. Maybe it was better like this. Better to stay away ... the further possible. Very far away. Phoenix, meanwhile, was much more disappointed than he had seen. It was a strange feeling. Worse than that time in which Larry had played her trumpet in her ear, worse than being punched by her father. He didn't leave him angry or sad. He felt only emptied without knowing why. It was deluded that the lost feeling was reborn between them, but maybe he was wrong: Miles didn't want him next to him. See the disappointed expression on his face fierce a lot of Miles. Wanted to really be alone in his shell? He really wanted it?


At the school exit, it was Franziska to stop it as they were returning home. -Phoenix, how did you go with makeup? Look at .. my brother knows how to make masterpieces ... I always say that if he wanted, it could be an artist. He repented the compliments with a hand gesture. - What do you say, I don't know how to draw a tree, Franziska! And leave him in peace ... you don't see that we are bothering him ... - He looked out phoenix to go away and then looked out, full of embarrassment. -Oh, Franziska went, thanks. And Miles was really good - in pronouncing his name was as if he had been emptied by all the energy. He forced himself to print a beautiful smile on his face and rummage in his backpack - I wanted to spudge me even with your brother but he didn't allow it to me. But I have this for you, which I hope you will make me the pleasure of accepting- and drew a chocolate bar from the backpack. - I like you like it, here. I know the tricks were yours so .... thank you very much. Really. You have avoided many embarrassing questions. - And he made her a nice big brother smile that she had always wanted to be. She also performed in a big smile. -The chocolate is my weakness! Each of us has one, no? - he confided, affable, appropriating the tablet. Then he noticed something that peeped out of the Phoenix pocket. -Carino, that key ring. My brother has a similar one, but it's red. Is it a kind of lucky? - he asked. - But what do you say, Ziska! - Miles will become clearly embarrassed. - What's you say! Sorry, you never don't even ...- he said, bothering a chocolate quadratino, before storing it, well wrapped, in the backpack. Phoenix made the look from Miles to the keychain several times. Then he remembered that Miles didn't want to learn to have to do with him and prevented things from imagining. -You, it's a luck door. I recommend Franziska, be clever and hide chocolate. Don't show it to your father, I don't want that you get hurt. - Miles nodded. -She understood. Hi Phoenix, bye, bye-
Miles said from a breath, dragging away his sister.
- What do you take, Miles? It's so kind, your friend - he didn't answer. - Don't you want his company? - He sensed the girl. -Why? He looks like a kind boy. -
- No ... he wouldn't know. - We were friends, but it was a long time ago, I now don't ... - - What, Mh? - He didn't know what to say. - Always so lonely, Miles. What's wrong with talking to a friend? - Yeah, what was wrong? He felt trembling. - I don't know ... it makes me think of the past ... I don't want to see it.- "I'm a stupid! What the hell of motivation would it be? He even has your foolish keychain ... I'm sure he preserved him as your memory! - he said, making him understand that he had sensed much more than he had said.
-What else do you want? What do you tell you that you want to be your friend? Miles ...  why are you so obstinate ... do you like to stay on yours? Do you love loneliness? -
-You don't understand ...-
-I don't understand! Not? Tell it just once again and reduce your face like his. -
Miles stayed silent. How could he explain that he wanted something, and at the same time he was terrified? Phoenix stared at their backs as they disappeared on the street. Everyone knew that Phoenix was always cheerful and good humor, it was the kind of boy who never cried. Phoenix knew that when his father had raised his hands for the first time he had promised himself with never crying again. But at that moment, seeing the straight back of Miles and the blonde head of Franziska disappear around the corner felt the unpleasant feeling of the formation of a knot to his throat and realized that his eyes pinched.
- I'll not cry - he said. - If you don't want to deal with me ... I can't force you. But I will be here, Miles, my friend, in case you change your mind. I will always be here, and you know. - He murmured, to himself.

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