Chapter 10: Night out

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"It's Friday night and you are coming out with me!"

"So how was your date?" Nathan cranes his neck around from the sofa to see Stan enter the apartment.

"What do you mean?" Stan says, a bit on the defensive. 

"Jojo told me everything, about Kai wanting to see you to go to an exhibition or something."

"Yeah, wasn't a date." Stan slouches on the couch kicking off his shoes.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure." Stan insists. It wasn't a date. Not to begin with, but the ending?...Stan subconsciously runs his cheek where Kai had planted a kiss. 

Nathan raises an eyebrow, but says no more. Stan pulls the memory stick from his jeans. "Can I use your PC?" He asks. Nathan's computer tech far outweighs his own out of date laptop. 

"Sure." Nathan nods, turning to face the tv. Stan gets up from the sofa and makes his way to the small desk area that Nathan has set up in the corner of the room.

Stan spends the rest of the evening multitasking, eating noodle pots whilst working on his music. Today has been a good day."


A week passes and Stan is engrossed in his music development. All he has done is write, eat and sleep in a loop and Nathan is worried.

"You don't even open the blinds!" Nathan huffs as he gets back from work at 6:30, going straight to the window and pulling up the blinds, letting in the rays of evening sunshine. 

Stan covers his eyes at the sheer brightness flooding the room. "Seriously! You have to do that? They've been closed all day, a few more hours won't hurt." 

Nathan huffs walking over to Stan and slapping a hand on his shoulder. 'It's Friday night and you are coming out with me."

Stan groans. "Look, I really need to work on my music."

'You need a break! You've been cooped up in this apartment all week. Just come out, Ronnie and Mitch are coming, Jojo and Kevin too." 

Stan doesn't seem to be impressed.

"And....maybe we can ask Kai to come along." Stan suddenly turns his head. "Yeah. Thought that would get your attention." Nathan walks away to his room, leaving Stan to ponder on the invitation. He hadn't seen Kai since Monday and they had left things...well... Maybe Stan didn't want to admit it but he liked Kai...quite a lot. 

He shuts down the computer, pushes himself up using the arms of the office chair and heads to his room. Maybe a little break wouldn't hurt.


"You managed to get him out of the house then." Kevin shouts over the noise of the club to Nathan, as he and Stan head towards the bar.

"Certainly did." Nathan says as he flags the attention of the bartender. 

"Stan looks around, trying to covertly scan the surrounding area for a certain blue eyed boy. Then he spots him and is taken by surprise at the sudden jump to his heart. Kai was leaning against the bar, slightly further along talking to a very 'keen' bartender. Stan couldn't hear what was being said but felt like he needed to go over to interrupt. 

He boldly walks over to the aqua boy and he puts his hand on his arm. "Hey." 

"Oh Hey Stan." Kai now turns to the side of Stan, leaving the bartender an awkward third wheel. He quickly gets the message and moves further along to serve someone else.

"I've not seen you all week. Where have you been hiding?" Kai has to lean in a little close to be heard and Stan can feel his breath tickle his cheek. 

"I've been working on my stuff in the apartment, but Nathan said I should come out for a change of scene, I didn't really want to but he persuaded me."

"What changed your mind?" Kai looks at Stan, aqua eyes staring into his soul." 

Stan feels a little hypnotised. The sounds around him become muted, drowning out and it feels like they are the only two in the room. "You!" 


"Yes you....I came out because of you."

Kai smiles and suddenly it feels like Stan is pushed back into the noises of the club, back to reality. He mentally goes over what he just heard himself say and tries to give reason to his words.

"Um...wh...what I mean is..."

"I'm glad." Kai says smiling.


"Because I came out to see you too!"

Stan can't find the words and just ends up smiling like a lovesick fool. "Come on!" Let's dance." Kai takes Stan's hand and pulls him to the dance floor.

"But I don't dance." Stan tries to protest as he is dragged to the reasonably busy dancefloor.

"Best not let go of my hand then." Kai smiles, with a wink.

Stan rolls his eyes, but doesn't let go. This guy had a hold over him. Something he couldn't explain. Maybe it was the eyes, but there was something else about him. Something he wanted to explore.


The evening flies by, the drinks flow and Stan and Kai find themselves detached from the group and outside the club. "I really really need to sleep." Stan says, leaning against a brick wall waiting for the taxi to show. "Jesus! You know how to dance."

"You're not such a bad dancer yourself." Kai smiles back as he stands beside Stan. 

He notices Kai rubbing his hands together, scratching the palms. "You ok?"

Kai looks up to see Stan watching his actions and drops his hands to his sides, now rubbing them on the side of his skinny jeans. "I have eczema. It's been troubling me recently."

Stan takes Kai's hand in his, looking over the red palms. "They look sore." He comments and subconsciously lifts both hands to his lips and kisses them in turn. Then looks at Kai. There is a moment of intense staring. They seem to be both hesitating. As if neither can find the courage to make the next step. 

Stan nibbles on his lower lip and sighs. He is still focusing on Kai when he then holds his breath. Before saying "I'm doing it" And leans in close. 

Hey! It's author Jojo here.😊

If you've gotten this far in my story and are enjoying it, I'm glad, but without comments or votes, I will never truly know..

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