Proms and Hazards-two

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“Hello, Yang’s Suit and Tuxedo Rental. How may I help you?”

“Do you do tux rentals?”

Rosie's gaze strayed to the company logo over the cash register. Hadn’t she just said that?“Yes, we do.”

“Okay,” the boy on the line grunted. “I wasn’t sure, because you sound like a girl.”

“I . . . am a girl?”Rosie hazarded.

“Oh. I kind of assumed dudes would work there,” the kid said thoughtfully. “Did they hire you so you can tell us if we look hot in the tuxes or not?”

Rosie's eyes widened. So much for easing into her first day by handling the phones. “I don’t think so.” Her gaze strayed to Hyunsuk. He seemed like he’d be better suited to that particular task.

“Oh. Huh.”

“Were you . . . interested in renting a tuxedo?”

“Yeah, I guess. My girlfriend says I have to get a tux for prom. Do you think she’s right?”

Rosie had spent the majority of high school avoiding talking to guys like this. This conversation was confirming her previous life choices.

“Well,” she ventured, “most guys do wear tuxedos to prom.”

“My dad has a pretty sweet sports jacket I think I could borrow,” the guy said. “I don’t know why I can’t just wear that.”

“I guess you’d have to ask your girlfriend.”

“Nah, she already said no. She thinks the color’s weird.”

Rosie bit her lip, resisting the urge to ask. She did not need to know more about this kid’s life.

“So, can I do this over the phone, or do I have to come to the store?” he asked.

Rosie frowned. “Well, you need to be fitted. And also, you’d have to come in to pick up the actual tux.”

“So I have to come twice?” the kid whined.

Rosie rolled her eyes. How was it that this guy had a girlfriend when she didn’t? The universe was endlessly unfair.

“Yes. At least.”

“Ugh. Fine. I guess I can go to the skate shop while I’m there.”

“Sure. That sounds like good time management.”

“So, how much is this going to cost me?” he asked. “Like, twenty?”

“Twenty . . . dollars?” Rosie asked. “For an entire tuxedo?”

“Well, I’m not buying it, I’m borrowing it.”

“Our standard prom rental is a hundred and forty.”

“Dollars?” the kid yelped.

“Yes. US dollars.” She tapped her pen on the counter. She had only been at work for an hour, but was already wondering if it was really worth it.

“Jesus, that’s ridiculous. Salmon sports coat it is.”

The line clicked and Rosie blinked, realizing he’d hung up.

“Good first call?” Hyunsuk asked with a smirk, sidling up to her.

Rosie stared blankly down at the phone in her hand. “Are they all like that?”

“Nah. Most of them are worse. Prom season means idiot teens. But grooms are the real nightmare.”

“And . . . when’s wedding season?”

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