Before the Expedition (5)

713 27 14

17 Days before the Expedition

Wall Sina

Stohess District

Aren's POV

Aren arrived to Stohess in a carriage prepared by Erwin to send a letter. It contains a message of a request for materials to the Military Police. His mission is to be done in secrecy.

Aren: So this is Stohess huh? A district in Wall Sina. And where Annie is..

The carriage stops

Driver: We're here.

Aren: Yeah.

Aren gets out of the carriage

Aren: Meet me back here tomorrow.

Driver: Sure..

The carriage drives away.

Aren looks at the city.

Aren: Looks pretty rich to me. It's the interior after all. There's gotta be like hundreds of aristocrats here. All with money and jewelry. And also.. The Underground. Where criminals and the poor live together in harmony. *sarcasm*

He walks to his destination


Military Police HQ

Aren arrives at Military Police HQ building.

Aren: Erwin did say it's the Commander of the MPs but only he should know. The other MPs doesn't have to know about it.

Aren walks to the front entrance. An MP was there guarding it.

MP: Stop. What's a scout doing here?

Aren: I have a message to your Commander. From Commander Erwin himself.

MP: Heh~, Give it to me. I'll take it to him.

Aren: It's classified and no one other than me should send it to him.

MP: Tch, fine. In you go.

The MP opens the door and Aren enters.

A female MP was there.

MP: Oh, Can i help you?

Aren: I have a letter to send to your Commander from Commander Erwin.

MP: Oh, I'll take you to his office.

The MP escorts him to the Commander's office. She knock on the door

MP: Sir! A Scout messenger wants to see you.

A voice was heard from inside

???: Let him enter.

MP: There.

The Female MP winks at him and walks away

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