The gate buzzed, and I pulled the heavy door open and stepped inside. I got into the elevator and waited for it to start to take me up to his floor. I watched the doors closed and I sway side by side while the elevator lifted me. I could feel anxiety pooling into my body at the thought of seeing Blue and having this conversation. After a few seconds, the elevator stopped and opened onto his floor.

"Hello?" I call out, walking inside. 

"In the office," Blue called out.

I shuffled off my jacket and hung it behind a chair; I took my shoes off and walked down the hall to his study.

"Hey," I whisper. 

"Hey." Blue turns around in his chair, smiling.

Blue's study was warm and dimly lit. A desk lamp lit up his writing space brightly with papers in front of him. Books filled the in-the-wall library throughout the room. Two vintage chairs sat in the middle of the room; I took a seat in the one closest to Blue.

"Nice to see you." Blue smiled, taking off his glasses.

"You as well." I smiled back.

"What's up? What's been going on?" Blue crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair.

I sigh and look down at my hands. "I assume you already know."

The chair squeaked beneath Blue. "What do you mean?"

"With Savannah and I," I replied.


"Blue, don't play dumb with me please, you two talk all the time." I look up at him. 

"F, I don't know what you're talking about; seriously, I wouldn't lie to you." Blue sat up and propped his arms on his thighs.


"I promise, F."

"Okay..." I exhaled, "Savannah and I aren't friends anymore." 

Blue inhaled deeply and fixed his posture. "Why?"

"We got into this huge fight. I haven't spoken to her since I disappeared with Baxter. She said a lot of hurtful things before then, so I kept my distance." I sighed.

Blue said nothing; he waited for me to continue.

"Then I ran into Jackson the other night, and he told me that Savannah was the one who told you about um... him- and I." I looked away from Blue for a second. "and then-." I trailed off.

"Keep going," Blue whispered.

"I went over to talk to her about everything, and she said hurtful things once again and then... ugh." I covered my face.


"I don't want to say what else happened because I don't want to expose her; even if we aren't friends anymore, it's not my place." I look back at Blue.

"I think I already know, actually" Blue fixes his sweater. "It has to do with me, right?" 

I nodded.

"Yeah, I already know about that." Blue stretches his arms back.

"You do?" I question.

"Yes, we're talking about Savannah liking me, right?" Blue pushed his hair away from his face.

I nodded.

"Yeah... She told me that a while ago." Blue stood up. "She actually told me that when I told her about liking y- uh- you know." 

Blue ; Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now