Chapter 26: First Interview

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"Hello everyone, and welcome to the podcast where we rant about various topics and occasionally interview upcoming celebrities, Izzy's World. I'm your host, Isabel, and here with us today is Y/n L/n."

It's actually happening.

Oh my god I'm really here.

There's actually a professional lady sitting next to me on this couch and she's interviewing me.


I can't.

Oh my god, this is a dream.

"For those of you who don't know her, this is the woman that both wrote and sang Burnt Out."

It's not a dream and I'm really here.


"Hi everyone," I said into the mic, smiling uncontrollably. "I'm really excited to be here."

"And I'm very excited to meet you," Isabel said. She had slightly curly, shoulder length black hair that she tucked behind her ears. Her brown eyes seemed big behind her glasses, and she had this whole cartoon-ish aura to her. Her pale skin almost made her seem not human, and her lips cracked when she smiled. She almost looked too young to have an actual job. "I've been trying to get you on here since you released Burnt Out, but couldn't find any way to contact you. I'm glad I eventually did and managed to get you to be a guest on here."

"I'm glad you did as well," I responded. Oh my god I feel so awkward. "So I hear you've got questions for me?"

"Yes, actually. They're somewhere in this mess. . ." Isabel started searching through the few stacks of papers that sat on her desk until she found a black journal, opening it up to a page close to the front. "Here we go. Okay, so your debut song, Burnt Out, ended up reaching the top of the charts very soon after it was released. Did you expect it to be so popular?"

"I didn't, actually," I said. "I originally wrote that song to just have, I never really intended to put it out there. I mean, it was going to be out sooner or later, but I didn't want it to be my debut song."

"Okay, this next question kinda goes in with another one I just came up with. Burnt Out heavily suggests escaping a toxic and abusive relationship with it mentioning things like walking away, trying to fix something, pretending you're okay, the list goes on." Isabel used her fingers to count off all the things she listed off, the moving her hands to make other random motions. "Not to mention, the extended metaphor of being burnt out is a major theme of the song, as the title implies. So my question for now is, before this song was released, we're you yourself in some sort of bad relationship?"

I paused for a minute. Everything I say right now will be stuck for the rest of my life. There's no taking back the words that leave my mouth for the next hour or so. I have to watch what I say.

"I mean, it'll probably come out eventually so why not say it now?" I reasoned with myself out loud. "Uhm, a year before this songs release, I had actually left an abusive relationship. I actually have burn marks from it." I rolled up my sleeve and showed my left hand, revealing the scars to Isabel. "Yeah, my ex had a fire quirk."

"Wow," Isabel marveled in this new information, taking a moment to look over my arm. "So I guess the part about fire and what not was actually the truth?" I nodded. "Well I am very glad you got out of that. No one deserves to be hurt."

"Yeah. The experience I got from that really inspired this song. I had actually written the lyrics way before it came out, and at the time of writing then, I just needed to vent to something. Music was always something I loved, and it wasn't something my ex really wanted me doing."

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