Chapter 15: Heartsick

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It had been a few days since I released IDK You Yet.

Most of that time has been spent in my room avoiding Keigo to the best of my abilities while debating my feelings about him.

It has gotten me no where. Which isn't good. I need all this thinking to get me somewhere.

Yeah, nothing's happening. I'm just laying under my blankets and staring at the wall.

A knock on my door is what made me come out of my thinking state.

"Y/n, are you alright?" Keigo asked form the other side. "It's been a few days since you left your room."

Shit, I don't want to deal with this, I thought. I internally let out an exasperated sigh.

"Come in," I said, barely loud enough for him to hear. I heard the door open and footsteps approach my bed. I almost immediately regretted my decision of not pretending to be sleeping.

Fuck, I can't deal with this right now.

"Are you alright, songbird?" Keigo asked. He sat next to me on the edge of the bed, pulling my blanket a little away from my face.

I nodded, suddenly feeling tired and worn out. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

Keigo placed his hand on my forehead, making my eyes snap open. I could see the concerned look on his face. When he noticed I was looking, he flashed a small smile.

"You're burning up, Y/n," he said, pulling the blanket off me completely. I grabbed it and put it back around me, snuggling into it. "Are you cold?

I nodded again, pulling my knees to my chest under the covers and covering myself with the blanket more.

Keigo looked at me with another concerned glance. "I'll be right back," he said, standing up and walking out.

I let out a frustrated groan. There was no reason I was upset, I just was.

Keigo came back a few minutes later with one of those temperature gun things. He pointed it at my forehead, waiting until it beeped. He pulled it away, looking at the number that appeared.

"You have a fever," he said, putting the gun thing on my nightstand. He looked back at me, debating what to do. He checked his phone for the time, realizing how late it was. "Are you hungry?"

I shook my head. "Not really."

He sighed. "Y/n, you need to eat something. You haven't eaten anything all day." I shook my head. "At least some crackers?"

I internally sighed. I knew he wouldn't leave me alone until I ate something. I reluctantly agreed, looking at my phone before he left.

4 unread messages

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So don't get mad
But I kinda gave Netami your number?


Why would you do that
You've written your own death sentence
Don't be surprised if you see me in France just to kill you
What the fuck bro
Why would you give your pervert of a brother my number
A fucking goddess compared to him

I swear to god there's a valid reason

Wtf do you mean kinda

He wants to start a production thing
A play from America or something?
Anyways, he said he wanted you to be in it because your amazing voice talents
Or something like that

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