Chapter 12: Oh My God

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I told Keigo everything that had happened. From when he left me alone to when I came back to the penthouse. I told him everything.

Well, almost everything. I tried leaving out the part about everyone thinking we're dating out. I did for the most part.

Except when he started asking about what my ex and his "sister" thought about the jacket.

Yes, I had lied about Toga being Dabi's sister. Listen, I figured he would find it suspicious if he just had a female roommate.

"Well, she thought we were dating and wouldn't leave me alone about it," I said.

Keigo smirked, and that was the moment I knew I had set myself up for what he was going to say next.

"We aren't dating?"

Keigo had been sitting next to me on the couch, but to say this comment, he leaned closer to my ear and whispered it.

I almost died.

My face burned as I pushed his face away. "Of course we aren't," I said. "She just thought we were because I was wearing your jacket."

Keigo chuckled, returning to where he was a few seconds earlier. "I'm just teasing you, songbird. Don't take everything so seriously, alright?"

I rolled my eyes, still feeling the warmth of my cheeks. I would say it's nice because it's actually really cold, but the reason my cheeks are warm is the reason I'm not. "Whatever," I muttered, turning my head to look out the window.

It's really dark outside, despite it being six. I only assume it's dark because of the thick clouds. It feels like it's going to rain, which is nice. Rainy weather is always good weather.

I could feel Keigo's eyes on me. I don't know how to feel about it. Sure, it's great that I somehow grabbed the #2 pro-hero's attention, but on the other hand . . .

He's looking at me.

Like, it's nice but not really, you feel?

I turned my head, surprised for some reason that he was actually staring at me. It was probably because he was closer than I expected.

When our eyes locked, he didn't look or pull away, instead letting a small smile grace his features. I couldn't help but smile, too. I wanted to pull away, but for some reason my brain wouldn't let me.

He was kissing distance away and it scared me. I hadn't been this close to someone's face since . . .

Well, since earlier today, but you get what I mean.

Being this close to him was making me nervous. It wasn't like earlier when we were this close. This is different.

In what way, I don't know.

"Hi," I said, trying to get rid of this . . . thing I feel.

"Hi," he responded, his voice low and quiet and seductive. It was one of the hottest things I've ever heard and oh my god. "I have a question."

Now our noses are touching. Keigo, for some reason, moved his hand to my thigh barely touching it.

I have no clue if he's teasing me, but it is hot.

And I'm kinda scared.

"What is it?" I asked, matching my voice volume to his. I still didn't move away, and I DON'T KNOW WHY. SOMEONE HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY.

He was silent for a few seconds, not doing anything but looking into my eyes.

I'm still scared.

"Do you think you'll ever find love again?" he asked, moving his hand further up my thigh. It was on my hip now, still moving up.

"I . . . I don . . . I don't know," I said and oh my god he's leaning closer.

Why are his eyes closing

Oh my god.

oH mY gOd.




My phone rang.

His eyes opened immediately, looking my face over before he pulled away. I was relieved he wasn't so close to me anymore, but I missed the warmth he provided. Now it's fucking freezing.

"Um, I'll- I'll go get that," I said. Despite being freezing, my cheeks were burning. It scared me.

Keigo nodded, running a hand over his face.

I quickly grabbed my phone, glancing at the caller ID and rushing to my room.

I answered, putting the phone up to my ear and screaming, "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD."

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