Chapter 6: Songbird

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Sitting at the keyboard Keigo bought me brings back both good and bad memories.

Of course, there's the good memories. Memories like learning how to play, playing my first song in front of an audience, collaborating with other people on songs, even writing a few songs of my own.

Then there are the bad ones.

But I shan't go into the details of that. The bad memories are kinda weird, if I'm being honest.

Anyways, I was sitting at the piano while trying to figure out how to play again.

Listen, after five years of not playing, I'm a little rusty.

Now, I'm trying to remember how to play Fur Elise.

It's failing miserably.

"That slur definitely wasn't right," I said after playing what seemed like a series of random notes. My hand flew across a few notes, pushing them down violently. I leaned back in my stool, forgetting there wasn't a back to it.

"Shit!" I yelped upon hitting the ground. I decided to just lay there for a few minutes, enjoying the amazing view of the ceiling. It was actually pretty comfortable down here.

"Are you alright?" someone asked. I turned my head to the door, seeing Keigo standing there.

"I'm fine," I said, sitting up and crossing my legs. "Just sort of . . . annoyed? For lack of a better word."

"Maybe you'd play better if you had the music in front of you?" Keigo suggested. He walked into my room and fixed the stool, sitting next to me.

"You know, that might actually work," I said, nodding for no reason. "Thank you for that suggestion, cannibal."

"Cannibal?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I have come to the conclusion that you are a cannibal because all you eat is chicken. Thus, a new nickname," I explained. "It's very clever, and it took me a solid five minutes to come up with it, so you better appreciate it."

"Some birds eat other birds," he reasoned.

I shrugged. "Still a cannibal to me."

"If my nickname is cannibal," Keigo started, going off into thought, "then your nickname is . . . songbird."

"Songbird?" I asked, letting out a chuckle. He nodded. "Why?"

"Because you sing-"

"You've never heard me sing," I pointed out.

"But I've heard you hum."

I chuckled again. "Humming is not the same thing as singing," I said. "How do you even know I have a decent voice?"

"Listen, songbird is the best I can come up with right now, so bear with me." Keigo and I laughed, almost knocking the piano stool over again. After calming down, he continued talking. "Plus, the name of your quirk is siren. Aren't sirens a creature that lure sailors into the ocean with their beautiful singing voice?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, I've never researched stuff like that." I chuckled again. "I'm sorry, songbird? Really? You couldn't come up with anything better?"

Keigo let out an exhale, standing up. "And I'm done here. I'm going to leave you to your musical interests while I go on patrol."

"Alright." I stood up as well, pulling the stool out from under the piano and sitting on it. "I'll see you later. Also, it'd be much appreciated if you ordered something that isn't chicken for me tonight."

He paused, turning around and pointing a finger at me. "Perhaps." I smiled and shook my head, putting my fingers back on the keys and attempting to play again before he started talking. "Bye, Y/n."

"Bye Keigo," I said. I turned to smile at him, but he was already gone. I shrugged and turned back to the piano, beginning to play again.

This is a short chapter, but it's sort of a filler I guess?
Only 633 words compared to my 1000 to over 2000 word chapters.

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