Adventurer Task: Demonic Goblin

Start from the beginning

Izuku wanted to object but Miles said that once he got over there that he needed to start his own Aether up as well to catch the attention of the monster so that he could escape it and comes towards the exit as well. Izuku still didn't really like the plan of leaving old man miles to fight by himself since it made him feel so powerless but in this situation he was more or less a new born baby compared to miles and the creature so there was nothing else he could do about it. As such, they started the plan as Miles charged at the demonic creature with his Aether activated which made the creature put all of its attention on him and allowed Izuku to start making his way around it towards the exit.

As the fight happened between Miles and the Demonic creature, Izuku noticed that the monster attempted to dodge any attacks that had Aether enhancing it but would block anything that didn't have Aether in it. 'So Old Man Miles was right, Aether is a weakness to this creature.' Izuku thought as he kept moving towards the other side of the vast room. The closer Izuku got to the other side the more his heart would beat louder and louder due to the fight that was going on behind him since Izuku could see that Miles wasn't really winning the fight and that the creature wasn't truly putting its full strength into the fight. It was taking some damage from Miles but overall it was surface level damage that it could heal from instead of fatal injuries that would kill it.

As Izuku arrived at the other end, he turned on his aether which made the creature turn towards him and allowed Miles to dash away from the creature. Izuku though didn't expect what would happen next because once Miles had gotten half way across the room the monster gathered a beam of dark light near one of its hands causing an overwhelming sense of presence to be created. During this time, Miles turned around and met the attack head on with his Aether enhanced sword causing a blinding light to happen when the two energies collided with each other. "OLD MAN!" Izuku yelled out as he could no longer see him but felt a large shock and heard the sound of an explosion happen. Soon the light dissipated and Izuku saw a large crack had formed in the center of the room with Miles near the edge of it on one knee.

With that sight in front of him, Izuku rushed forward to grab Miles since the creature wasn't attacking and looked dazed from the bright light. It was as if all other sounds ceased to exist as Izuku thought his steps were echoing across the entire room far to loudly or that is what it sounded like to him as he ran across the room as fast as he could until he arrived next to the old man. "Come on... let's get out of here!" Izuku said as he lifted the old man to lean on one of his shoulders and started to walk away but after only a few steps a ear piercing scream happened as the creature was no longer dazed. "Oh shit..." Izuku said in a low tone as he looked behind him at the creature that clearly had an expression of pure anger on its face even though it wasn't a face of a human but one of a monster. The monster pushed forward from the ground and came charging towards both of them which shook the cave due to the sheer size of the monster.

Raising one of its limbs, the monster swung downwards towards them but Izuku was able to push both himself and Miles out of the way in time of the demonic creature's hand coming down onto the ground which caused a large pressure of air to push away from the spot. The one thought that came through Izuku's mind when the creature pulled its hand back was how it would have turned them into pure mush if it had landed that blow because on the ground was now a complete handprint from the monster. However, this wasn't the time to let his thoughts wander as the monster was gearing up for another attack so Izuku worked quickly to move them out of the way but as they were moving forward Izuku ended up tripping over some of the rubble that had fallen from the ceiling.

Thus, Izuku and Miles were in the direct path of the incoming attack and Izuku had no way of moving them out of the way in time. As the hand grew closer, it was as if time came to a crawl as Izuku felt a spike of Aether to his side that was so large it shocked him. Slowly turning his head, he witnessed Miles stand up from the ground and raising his sword into the air as he sliced upwards causing a large gush of wind pressure to blow away from his blade and landing against the ceiling. The monster had dodged the wind pressure generated from Miles sword since it had lingering Aether in it but was unable to dodge the falling ceiling that came tumbling down upon it. The next thing Izuku knew was the fact that he was flying through the air away from where he had just been. Coming out of his shock, Izuku was left with the sight that would haunt him for a long time as he was too far away to do anything but watch and that is what he did. With his eyes wide open, Izuku saw the ceiling come down on not only the monster but Miles as well as blood spattered across the room from the monster. In these few moments Izuku felt as he could no longer breath as darkness soon took over his vision and that became the last sight he saw before everything went completely black.

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