"The caveman jokes are old. But it's ok because it makes this all the more satisfying."

"Makes what?"

Before Luna can realize exactly where this is going I take out the small can of silly sting and empty the whole can on her and her bed. "You're dead," I announce proudly as she screams.

"Ryder," she screeches, flying off her bed with a pillow and whacking me aggressively.

"Ow, fuck Luna, stop! What is in that pillow!" I drop to the floor trying to hide from Luna's pillow assault as she stands over me raining down blow after blow with her lumpy rock hard pillow.

"Now you're dead, you fuck face," she screams as she grabs a second pillow and beings beating me with both.

"Luna stop," Francesca yells, pulling her best friend off of me as I remain in a tight ball half under Francesca's desk chair.

I sit up and literally stop breathing. Francesca is in just a pair of black underwear with a nearly see through tank top on. Her legs are long and soft and seem to go on forever and her boobs are perky with her hard nipples showing through her shirt.  I have to literally pull my legs to my chest to hide my current situation in my pants.

"Why?" she asks, looking between me and Luna.

"He killed me Fran," Luna tells her pointing to the mess I left on her bed.

"It is a game Luna, now apologize."

"I hope your rats pee on your face," she spits before marching out of the room.

"My rats love me," I scream after her.

Francesca just laughs as she crouches down in front of me. "You ok?"

"I think I will live." She is leaning forward inspecting the cut on my cheek which Luna opened with her pillow attack and it takes everything in me not to look down her shirt. I have never really been a boob guy but hers are every guy's wet dream. She doesn't have a big chest, nothing overly noticeable in her usual loose fitting shirts and sweaters but there is enough there to grab a handful; and boy do I want to grab a handful.

"I think you will too, tough guy." Her fingertips lightly trace the cut before she stands and leaves me to get dressed. "Is this like a dress cute thing or can I show up in comfy stuff?"

"I am wearing this," I tell her, gesturing to my sweatpants and hoodie.

She nods and then opens her closet and pulls something out. "Perfect," she tells herself before grabbing something from her dresser and walking across the hall to the bathroom.

I use this alone time to adjust the situation in my pants before sitting down at Francesca's desk. "What do you think?" She jumps back into the room, arms and legs spread out like a star. She is wearing footie pajamas with a hood and a tail.

"Are you a unicorn?" I laugh as she spins around and wiggles her butt at me.

"Of course! Luna got it for me fall semester for my birthday."

I have the biggest smile on my face as she skips around in her ridiculous onesie but if someone even dares to say a word about it I will be slamming their face into a wall. She is so happy in her outfit, I will raise hell if anyone takes that away.

"Come on little unicorn, we have a breakfast to attend."  She happily leads the way and rounds up her roommates to head to my house. Parker and Luna changed into equally ridiculous onesies and the three of them protectively huddle around Maya as we walk into the house.

The guys are already in the kitchen cooking away and when we enter Bray bursts out laughing. "Beck, you have a tail," he laughs, picking her up and wiggling her so her tail swishes.

Double Booked | 509 Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now