Two - "No... we won't be able to."

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"We have before us today an urgent question," she begins. "Which is: How will we conduct ourselves in this time of conflict as people who pursue peace?" Amity turned to another and began to speak, occasionally looking towards our group. But I could swear they were only looking at me.

"How do they get anything done around here?" I hear Tris mutter.

"It's not about efficiency but agreement." A few more minutes of chatter continued before small duos began to join trios as more and more big circles were made.

"This is bizarre." Tris continued to watch confused.

"I think it's beautiful." Tobias chimed in. I look down at my lap and play with my fingers. Any moment those two Amity would come back in and call Johanna out. I will be thrown out- But I can't be thrown out, there is nothing to pin on me. But could they possibly hate me so much that they will frame me? Tris gives him a look as they begin to chat, me acting invisible in the middle. "What? They each have an equal role in government; they each feel equally responsible. And it makes them care; it makes them kind. I think that's beautiful."

I stop listening after that. 'It makes them kind'. Where did I go wrong?

The groups make a big circle and join with Johanna. They all speak their minds and all sit down again. "Our faction has had a close relationship with Erudite for as long as any of us can remember. We need each other to survive, and we have always cooperated with each other. But we have also had a strong relationship with Abnegation in the past, and we do not think it is right to revoke the hand of friendship when it has for so long been extended."

She speaks slowly, making sure her point got across. I could hear the chatter outside closing in.

"We feel that the only way to preserve our relationships with both factions is to remain impartial and uninvolved. Your presence here, though welcome, complicates that."

I cross my fingers. Please don't kick them out.

"We have arrived at the conclusion that we will establish our faction headquarters as a safe house for members of all factions under a set of conditions. The first is that no weaponry of any kind is allowed in the compound. The second is that if any serious conflict arises, whether verbal or physical, all involved parties will be asked to leave. The third is that the conflict may not be discussed, even privately, within the confines of this compound. And the fourth is that everyone who stays here must contribute to the welfare of this environment by working. We will report this to Erudite, Candor, and Dauntless as soon as we can. You are welcome to stay here if and only if you can abide by our rules. That is our decision."

We all stood up, Abnegation being asked to leave first, then us. "Y/n." I stopped as a cold chill went down my spine. Everyone looked at me, but I focused on Johanna's eyes. I look at the group and smile, feeling my eyes begin to burn.

"I'll see you guys later." They nod confused before leaving, Tobias throwing me one more look before following. I walked over to the Amity ring.

"As you know, you being here before caused some issues. Fights, verbal abuse, physical abuse." Johanna looked at me sadly. "I sent someone to look through your room." I nod.

"I know." My throat began to tighten again. "I know."

"Anything you want to tell me?" I looked at her and she nodded, asking the other Amity to leave. I didn't see my mother. We sat down on the roots of the tree. We sat silently for a moment. "Anything at all?"

"I'm scared." Johanna looked taken aback for a minute, as if she expected me to admit that I had a gun. Her normal soft features came back.

"Why?" I hated this, all of this. Being talked to like a child. Amity trying to be therapeutic. One of my favourite things about Dauntless was that you were aloud to scream, and cry and no one would really judge you. But Amity, anything that could respect any sort of violence is...

"I don't want to be here, but I don't want to leave. I don't want my group to be kicked out but I'm afraid they could be because of me, because of what people think of me. I always tried my best and I don't think anyone understood that. I didn't want to I didn't want to look at that table and cringe when I saw the dirt, knowing I could choose to go back to my own personal hell. But here I am again, and as always I think it is my fault."

Is what I would have said. But I learned a long time ago that nothing gets said in Amity without Erudite finding out. I decide to shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know, homesick probably." Johanna nods and pats my back.

"You know you can tell me anything." I tense slightly as I realised she patted close to my gun. I stand up quickly.

"Are you going to kick me out?" She shakes her head.

"Don't give me a reason to." I nod, quickly turning and leaving the greenhouse.

"We should just go, she'll be fine." I looked up and saw Caleb arguing with Tris and Tobias. He was closer to the entrance of headquarters, trying to convince them that I don't need to be waited for. He spotted me and waved towards me. "See! You were all worried for nothing." Tris looked towards me and smiled, nodding.

Tobias came over and hugged me, I hugged him back. "Are you okay?" He whispered.

"They don't know." He nodded, placing a small kiss to my cheek before we both started to walk into headquarters. I ran through solutions to the gun in my head.

1. Put it in my bedroom. They might check again.
2. Keep it on me. We might get checked.
3. Throw it into a tree.

I sigh and place my head into my hand. "Are you okay?" I look at Tris and nod. She looks around before coming up next to me, her voice now low. "We were talking about the rules. We should get set-up quickly, we will not be able to stay long." I think about the tension between almost everyone. How Peter used to be Erudite along with Caleb. And I was sure Tris would be like me after I told her so much about this place.

"There's a gun under your mattress, isn't there?" She nods. Sometimes I hated how alike we are. "Don't keep it in one place." She nods.

"The rules?" I sigh. We stepped into the head quarters.

"No... we won't be able to."

2745 words

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