Wish that we could be alone now
If we could find some place to hide
Make the last time just like the first time
Push a button and rewind

Before I got any further I heard someone clearing their throat behind me, I turned around and saw Scarlett was there. I stood up placing the guitar down leaning it against the couch I was sitting on feeling embarrassed. I started rubbing back of my neck and said

Me: How much of that did you hear?

S: All of it pretty much, you know you're a really good singer and guitar player. 

Me: Oh um thank you, I thought you didn't get off until 8 and I finished early so thought I'd try out the song I was working on. I didn't think anybody would walk in and hear it. 

Scarlett walks up to me and places her hands on my shoulder to calm me down and I look in her eyes. It's like time stood still for a moment and I stopped feeling as nervous as before. I'm not sure how she did it because very few people can calm me down that quickly, Lizzie being onne of them. After a moment Scarlett speaks up

S: I'm sorry I didn't speak up sooner it's just you looked lost in the song and I didn't want to interrupt. I take it though it was written about your girlfriend or boyfriend? 

Me: Umm yeah, just an ex of mine. 

S: What happened with you two if you don't mind me asking?

Me: Ummm....I don't want to make them sound like a bad person or anything because they are not a bad person at all. Let's just say they weren't ready to come out with the relationship to their friends and things had to end. 

S: Oh, I won't push any further but if you ever want to talk I'm here. 

I simply nod and then clear my throat to get back to what I was suppose to be doing.

Me: Anyway, I have the montage and song here, I'm not completely sure if it was what you were looking for but you said this was like a rough draft type so thought it was worth the shot 

I showed Scarlett what I did and by the look she had she seemed to like what I did.

S: Are you kidding me Veronica? This is PERFECT for the opening. You were able to get everything we were looking for in this and you're saying it's not perfect?

Me: I mean I can still see a few things that may need tweaking but then again they do say that you are your own worse critic, or something like that.

S: Trust me when I say this Veronica, this is the best I've seen from anyone in a long time. You really are the best at this stuff as Lizzie said you were. 

Me: Thank you Scarlett that really means alot. 

It really did mean a lot that one of the people I looked up to thought that my work was really good. I was a bit surprised but also elated that she loved it so much

S: Just giving credit where credit is due. Now have you eaten? 

Me: Come to think of it no I haven't eaten since breakfast

S: Well then would you like to accompany me to dinner and we can celebrate you getting the job. 

Me: Yeah sure.......WAIT I GOT THE JOB?

S: Yes Veronica I personally love what you did with this opening and know that you'd be perfect fit for scoring this movie. You are extremely talented Veronica and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 

I smile from ear to ear and internally having a victory dance going on but I just immediately hug Scarlett thanking her 100x over again. 

S: Alright Veronica let's go get that food. Get all your things and meet me outside in 15 minutes?

Me: Yes I will.

Scarlett leaves and I have this stupid smile on my face that won't go away. After gathering my things I decided to text Lizzie the great news along with Sabrina. I also told Lizzie that I'll be grabbing dinner with Scarlett before heading home and she said okay and that was it. 

I walk out to meet Scarlett and sure enough she is exactly where she said she'd be by now. Honestly there's nothing that can ruin this night for me! I'm too happy! I link arms with Scarlett who had it out waiting for me to grab onto it as we walk to her car to head to dinner. 

I wonder where we will be going.


A/N: Growing that relationship with Scarlett. Will they or won't they get together? Stay tuned for the answer possibly in the next chapter. 

Also do you guys want the next chapter have mixture of Scarlett and Lizzie's POV of the night or keep it as Veronica's POV?

Secret Relationship (slow updates)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें