Chapter 7

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A month later

Veronica's POV

Things between Lizzie and I have been really good this past month, I mean we have managed to be successful in sneaking around lately. Was it hard for me to lie to my friends about seeing someone? Yes, I hate lying but I know Lizzie isn't comfortable with people knowing about us. We decided we could tell one person close to us that we trusted to not tell a soul, she told her best friend Scarlett and I didn't tell anyone. I thought about telling my best friend Aria but I couldn't put my friends through having to lie around other people. It's just not me and given I'm not out to my family I couldn't exactly call up one of them to tell them. I was happy though and if I had to tell a little white lie here and there it was worth it.

Today I found out that my roommate is going out of town again for the weekend to do family things. I tried to contain my excitement but as soon as she told me I went back to my room and texted Lizzie


Hey love, I just found out I have the apartment to myself this weekend

I was thinking maybe we could do something?

Lizzie 😘💕

Yes of course! When can I come over?


She is leaving in an hour so anytime after that?

Lizzie 😘💕

Perfect! I'll see you then ;)


Can't wait!

An hour later my roommate Kenzie left and I was getting the apartment together. I wanted to clean up the place and make it look nice, as well as see if I could think of a way to make this weekend romantic given it's Valentine's Day Sunday. As I was lost in my own world suddenly I felt someone's arms around my waist, I jump but then I hear her voice.

Lizzie: Shhh Shhh it's just me, relax.

I lean further into her and enjoy the moment, then I turn around and quickly give her a peck on the lips before leaving her grasp to lock my apartment door. Normally I'd leave it as such until I went to bed but I didn't want to run the risk of one of my roommate's other friends just walking in and seeing Lizzie and I. I knew Lizzie wasn't ready to be out yet and frankly I couldn't force her into anything she was uncomfortable about. I just wish I could take her on a proper date and be able to show her off to my friends.

Anyway, after locking the door I quickly grab Lizzie by the waist and pull her into me for another kiss. She hums in my lips before we separate and I look into her eyes admiring her.

Me: So what does my beautiful angel want to do today and this weekend?

Lizzie: Well it's pretty late today so why don't we cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?

Me: I love that idea!

Lizzie: Yayyy! I'm going to change into comfy clothes, why don't you pick the movie?

Me: That I can do, but you can't argue on whatever movie I pick, deal?

Lizzie: Deal

I quickly peck her lips again before she went off to my room to change and I sat on the couch scrolling through trying to find a movie. I ended up deciding to watch the Maze Runner movie because I had been talking about it with a couple of my other friends this past week and I realized I never finished the movie.

Lizzie walks out of my room in these shorts and one of my T-shirts and she looked as beautiful as ever. I swear this woman has a hold on my heart.

Lizzie: So what movie are we watching?

Me: I thought we could watch Maze Runner?

Lizzie: I'd love that.

Lizzie came and crawled between my legs laying her side of her body onto my front and that's how we cuddled. It was the best way to cuddle like that on the couch. I periodically kissed the top of her head throughout the movie and after the first movie was over it was around 2am.

Me: Babe, I think we should get some sleep in the bed.

Lizzie: Mhmmm I agree.

She got up first and I was about to help myself up when lizzie grabbed my hand to help me up. We went to my room and did our nightly routine before cuddling in bed, I was nervous though about this weekend. I saw Lizzie fell asleep on my chest and I lay there staring at the ceiling wondering how I am going to say those 3 words to her on Sunday I love you

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