Chapter 9

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Veronica's POV

Today I had to get back to doing my classes and Lizzie had returned to her place. I couldn't focus for the life of me in any of my classes all day just replaying the events of this past weekend, and last night in my head. Thankfully classes were all virtual so I could re-watch the lectures when I was a tad bit more focused.

My roommate came back today and we caught up on what each of us did this weekend. Granted I didn't tell her who I was with, let alone if I was with a guy or girl for the weekend. I just simply told her I spent the weekend with someone special. Later today my roommate said that her and some friends were going out to a club and asked if I wanted to come with. Sadly I told her I had other plans, which was kind of true.

It's now around 5pm and I'm leaving soon to meet up with some friends for drinks and movies at there place. It's going to be an early night for me given it is Monday and Lizzie may come over later tonight. We've figured out a time where she can sneak into and out of the apartment with my roommate being none the wiser.

Kenzie: You sure you don't want to come out with us?

Me: No it's all good honestly. I have plans to grab drinks with some friends, enjoy though!

With that we both left to our respective plans and enjoyed the night away. I got a bit tipsy but not too wasted when I went out. I got back to my apartment around 10pm, which isn't that late thankfully. It gave me enough time to somewhat sober up.

At around midnight I got a text from Lizzie.


Hey Bubs, are you up?


Hey yes of course


Can I come over to cuddle and stuff?


Yeah of course, my roommate is still out so you could sneak in


Yeah I know I see her still dancing with some dude but I'd rather be with you than this club


Okay then come over, can't wait to see you

Before I knew it Lizzie was at my door knocking to be let in. My room is closest to the front door of the apartment given when you walk through the apartment door you immediately see the kitchen and living area. To the left you see my room door and to the right there's a little hallway that leads to my roommate's door. So when I heard a knock on our apartment door I immediately perked up and was delighted to be greeted by Lizzie. Thankfully everybody else in that friend group is too drunk to realize Lizzie was gone and ask too many questions. We spent the night cuddling and watching movies not wanting to make a sound in my room for when my roommate came back so she didn't know Lizzie was in my room.

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