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Few weeks later, the regular concert opened. More people gathered to see the concert - because of the piccolo player, Christine Lara.

The concert started with Mozart, then a 'Les Miserables' medley - some cried because of Raoul's solo - and lastly, the 'OG', the Orchestra Ghost's music, 'Piccolo of the Night'.

When the music started, everyone who was watching the concert frowned. And wondered who on earth could compose such music - because there was a letter from OG, not to reveal his name, but simply call 'anonymous' - and the managers did.

Soon, the last note of the music finished. Just then, there was a flash of darkness on the hall! All lights were out! Everyone shouted and screamed and stood up. After few seconds, the lights went on again - but there was something missing.

"A piccolo player is missing!" cried one audience, pointing to the stage. Kellen looked beside her seat - Christine was missing! The chair was empty, except the shiny piccolo rolling on a chair.

Raoul sprang to his feet, leaving his instrument behind, and ran as fast as he could. Kellen and Robert went after him. The audience murmured and talked to each other. Mr. Brick patiently turned to the audience and shouted out loud.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the accident occured just now - our piccolo player has been missing. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, and hope you had a pleasent time with the concert. Thank you."

Then he bowed deeply, and all the rest of the members got up. They bowed again. The audience clapped their hands, and slowly went out of the concert, still wondering about the mystery of this accident.

When the curtains closed, Mr. Brick threw his wand to the floor, shouting,

"Oh, I wish I can turn back the time!"


Raoul went over to Mrs. Velcon, who was standing on a stage entrance.

"Where is she?" asked Raoul, panting.

"She went back to the OG's lair," the woman said, "But it's too dangerous down there. There are traps all over the place. The Ghost refuses to see the people. You must not go down there." Mrs. Velcon said.

"I need to to save my girlfriend! That is what I care about most; more than my life! Please tell me, where in heaven is that lair?"

Mrs. Velcon sighed, and said,

Raoul's POV

Then she started to walk faster. Me, Kellen and Robert followed her. She went to the bottom of the building, and touched the wall. The wall flashed with light, and soon the three members saw - the narrow passage. Mrs. Velcon held her flashlight, turned it on, and walked slowly through the passage.

Then, I saw the stairs to the end of the passage - just as Christine said it to me.

"Here," she whispered, handing the flashlight to him, "Take this. Remember, there are traps through these stairs. Be careful."

Then she went back to the top. We slowly went on, taking each step down the stairs. Just then, I heard a scream from behind me. I looked round. Robert was clinging on the end of the hole! It was a trap! There was none to see at the bottom for it was very deep; and there came the sound of flushing of waters beneath the empty, dark space. I took Robert's hands and pulled him out of the hole.

We continued walking, and saw a medium sized room, with a little lamplight shining between the two person behind - the one who stood up with tears in their eyes, and the one who kneeled before the other person.

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