Chapter 2

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"Greetings, new members of the Joy Philharmonic Orchestra, I am Firmand Brick, the conductor of this Orchestra. We have 2 new members, can you guys stand up and tell your name and your job?"

The voice echoed through a large room, with the original players of the Orchestra - Oboe to Horn, Violin to Double Bass. One young woman and a young man stood up, and turned to the others of the members.

"I'm Christine Lara, the player of Piccolo. I'm now a College Student from England Music College. It's very nice to see you, and hope we can make a wonderful time. Thank you."

She bowed. The members and the staffs all clapped, and there was another voice introducing himself;

"Hello, I'm Raoul Cartnel, Christine's boyfriend, I should say," said Raoul. When he said this, the members all cheered. He and Christine blushed.

"I'm also in a England Music College, and I'm playing Violin - 1st."

The rest all clapped and cheered, and greeted their new members. Then, the two young women and man came foward the two newbies.

"Hi, I'm Kellen," said the one, "I'm the original member of here. I play the Flute 1st, also a represent of my part."

"And I'm Robert," said another, with a rich British, "nice to see you two. I'm playing Trombone, that is not quite easy to play, you see. And, after a few months, we are going to get a camp here. I can't wait to join with you guys in the camp!"

"What is this camp?" Raoul asked.

"It opens every September, and for 5 days, we are going to practice for the regular concert at the end of Octorber. Quite busy, right?" said Kellen.

"Quite busy, indeed!" said Christine.

"Raoul! Christine!" cried a voice. It was Firmand.

"Go to your practice room and check your new music sheets in iPad. Do not lose it - that is expensive!"

"Yes, sir," said the newbies. Then the two went into their rooms. Christine went into her own room, and there saw a quite a small room, with no windows. The door was half-transparent, and there was a sliver handle. She opened it, and saw a chair with a blue desk, connected with a blue wall. And on the desk, was a white iPad with a professional headset. Also there were a shelf on the right - to put the insturments and stuff on.

Christine was very excited to be in the Orchestra - she did all A in the audition - and so was Raoul. She practiced day and night to find the potential that her mother spoke of - but she did not. So she decided to go into the Orchestra, and she invited her boyfriend to go with her, and then, respectively, she went in, and so was Raoul!

She was thinking about the new adventures that she will soon experience.

Few minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Christine asked.

"It's Raoul. Soon we will have a snack and start to practice for our regular concert. You must come now."

"I'm coming, wait a second!" said Christine, getting up, and went out, leaving her shiny sliver piccolo on her table.

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