Chapter 4

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After the opening assemble ended, Raoul dragged Christine into the space where no shadow wanders.

"Why did you broke up your words?" asked Raoul.

"It is nothing, honey," said Christine. "It's just about the Genius of Instrument. I'll just - I'll tell you later."

"But, Christine-"

Christine turned away, with her red face, ran forwards to her own room again. The room was quite cold when she arrived; cold, solid, and pale. She was bit frightened when she felt this, but soon she was able to bear it.

"Christine, you did a great job."

The voice calmed her. It was the voice she had heard before - a sweet, melodical voice that melted Christine's fear. But not all of her fear.

"Who are you?" asked Christine, with bit of fear.

"I?" said the voice. "I am the Genius of Instrument."

"What?" Christine cried. "Are you really the Genius of Instrument that my dear mother spoke of? Did I found my potential?"

"Yes," said the voice. "You found your potential, so your mother sent me to teach you a lesson of the true music."

"It's true," Christine said, "O Angel of heaven, you are true! Come to me, speak to me!"

"I cannot appear in front of you, my child," said the voice, "but I can speak to you everyday, when you come to this room, alone, then I will teach you the lessons."

"Oh, yes!" Christine cried. "Oh, thank you! I'll start tomorrow!"

"That is a deal, then," said the voice, "Your mother is going to be really proud of you, and I want to praise you for finding your potential."

"Thank you!" Christine said.

"Good," said the voice, "soon your friend will come to you."

Then the voice faded away. Christine was full of happiness that she had ever imagined. She jumped with joy, with two hands on her face, she gave a little cry of joy. She moved her body wildly, but stopped at the knocking sound of the door. Christine opened it; it was exactly as the voice said - it was her dear Raoul.

"Raoul!" Christine cried out, "Why have you -"

"Mr. Brick said that you have to have a snack right now, and I have brought you here." said Raoul, holding up the cheeseburger and coke.

"What time is it?" she asked, holding the burger into her mouth.

"It's 9:40. We still have time."

Then, Raoul went into her small practice room, closed the door, and sat on the desk. Then, he stared at his friend, and started to rapidly ask questions.

"What on earth do you want to speak? What is wrong with you? You said something about Genuis-"

Then he saw Christine. She was full with Cheese in her lips. She licked them, and soon came up with her exciting news.

"Oh, Raoul, I have - I have met the Genius of Instrument!" she said, with full excitement.

"Oh, really?" said Raoul, simply.

"Yes! The voice of an Angel called me in here -"

"In here? You mean in your practice room?"

"Yes, and I thought that I found my potential when I was at the concert this noon... Oh, how marvelous! Have you met him, Raoul?"

"No," said Raoul, simply, "I have not, yet. Do you still believe in the story?"

"How could you say like that?" Christine cried. "Of course! And he told me that he will give me lessons every day!"

"A lesson?" Raoul asked.

"Yes! Everyday he will meet me and will teach me. I'm so excited. Now I'm going to learn the true music!"

Raoul said that he had no doubt of it, then he looked at his watch.

"It's 9:55! Finish up your burger, Christine. Let's move!"

Christine finished up her last piece, and ran with Raoul with a coke and a trash in her hand.

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