[27 it's a long road to forgiveness]

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[27] twenty-seventh chapter
episode twenty-four+five, season 5
word count 4333
>In which the
aftermath of the tweet
challenge spurts
disagreements between

AFTER ARRIVING BACK at the villa, all Summer wanted to do was talk to Molly and have a laugh about all the shit that had gone down in the past hour, however, upon arriving at the daybed where her friend was sat, she couldn't help but notice the blonde supermodel who hadn't been able to keep Summer's name out of her mouth the whole challenge sat on the bed.

With a sigh, Summer quickly turned on her heel in an attempt to avoid any conflict that would arise if she were to stay within fifty feet of Arbella, yet it seemed fate conspired against her once again.

"Summer!" The tall girl exclaimed, a feeble attempt of getting Summer to top in her tracks and face Arabella, a feeble attempt that didn't work at all.

Without a single word leaving her mouth, Summer continued to walk away, her pace neither accelerating nor slowing down as she headed anywhere Arabella was not. She genuinely didn't care whether it seemed rude or not, heck, what Arabella had done in the challenge was rude, the blonde deserved it.

After finally entering the kitchen, the girl made a move to fill her water bottle up to keep herself hydrated: she didn't fail to notice the sound of footsteps echoing on the wooden-panel decking behind her as she did so.

After a few seconds of nothing but water filling up a bottle, the inevitable words finally poured out of Arabella's mouth and into the cool, midday air. "Can we have a chat?"

Summer pursed her lips in annoyance. Turning to face the girl, she sighed, taking a sip of water before shrugging. "I don't know, can we?" Summer asked Arabella, raising an eyebrow in challenge. "I mean, it seems I can't do anything in this villa without you saying one thing or the other about it."

"Come on, Mer, you're not being fair." Arabella tried, her eyes pleading with the brunette to let her speak, at least.

"No, you don't get to say that," Summer snapped as her eyes narrowed in irritation. The slight change of her tone in voice was enough to pull the rest of the islanders' attention away from whatever tweet had sat wrong with them. "You don't get to come over here and tell me I'm not being fair when for the past hour you've guessed my name for some of the worst tweets and made me feel like absolute shit. You don't get to come over here and tell me I'm not being fair when you've talked the most about my couple behind my fuckin' back. You don't get to come over here and tell me I'm not being fair when I have been nothing but nice to you and you still somehow find it in you to be a bitch to me!"

The sudden outburst was enough to stun Arabella to silence, the amount of anger in Summer's tone seeming to strike fear in her eyes as she stepped back slightly whilst the girl continued. "So, maybe, if you want to chat with me, sort out yer' priorities before telling me I'm not being fucking fair wit' you." She scoffed before walking off into the villa, a chorus of 'ooh's' and shocked looks being shared between the other islanders who had just witnessed the whole encounter.

With that, Summer made her way into the bedroom, leaving Arabella standing on her own in the kitchen, still in shock at how quickly she was shut down not even five minutes ago.

The girl hadn't even made herself comfortable on the edge of the bed when Molly came rushing in, an impressed look on her face that quickly changed to concerned when she saw just how pissed off Summer actually was.

𝙍𝙀𝙁𝙍𝙀𝙎𝙃𝙀𝙍 ; ovie soko [love island 2019]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon