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Am I wasting my time,

Doing only what I want, when I want,

Whenever I possibly can?

They want me to believe that I am,

And so I worry about all the time I've wasted

Doing nothing of "importance" in their eyes.

But this isn't their lives.

Whose time am I wasting?

While they waste away in fruitless pursuits

Of propagandized success that misses the point entirely,

I am trying to live freely, truly, openly,

To seize the day, because life is short, and there is no time to waste.

I want to live in kindness to myself and to the planet

And all the other creatures with whom I share it.

So why is there still this fear?

Why does it stay here?

The dread that goes to my head

Says that if I want to survive, I must not thrive.

How is it that this society gets to us all in the end,

Forcing us all to lose our innocence,

Forcing us all to lose our uniqueness,

Forcing us all to lose our lives in order to survive?

For productivity, productivity, productivity

That produces wasteful paper, not happiness.

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