"That isn't how things work Dominik." Frank leans forward, ashing his cigar in a tray.

"That's how things work for me." He lets go of my arm to place both of his palms down on the table in front of him, leaning closer towards Frank. "I'm here to get the weapons that you have stored for me."

"Mmm yes. Do you have the money?" Frank puffs another hit from the brown cigar.

"My assistant over there has it for you." Nik answers. I look over to Harry who has a large black case hanging in front of him. When did he grab that?  "$1.4 million."

The man jerks his head to Nik. "We agreed on 1.8 million."

"And now I'm offering less. This isn't a negotiation, Frank."

Frank looks from Nik then over to Harry, his eyes scanning down to the briefcase and you can see his thoughts turning. Suddenly and unexpectedly, he gives a small cynical smile and reaches into the inside of his jacket drawing out a gun. At first, I thought that this could be one of the weapons that Nik wants to buy but I am proven wrong when the barrel of the gun is pointing straight at Nik. He doesn't even flinch, doesn't move from his spot and his eyes stay glued to Frank's face.

"Is this some sort of a joke?" Frank tilts his head to the side.

"Nope." Nik answers. "Either take it or leave it but you know that no one else is going to want to buy those weapons from you at the price you want. In reality, I am doing you a favor."

"A favor?" He chuckles and thinks for a moment. "If you are giving me less than what I want then you must offer something along with it."

"What did you have in mind?" Nik pushes his hands off the table, straightening back up. Frank doesn't hesitate to bring his eyes to meet mine, scanning them down my body. Nik is quick to notice and speaks again. "No, absolutely not!"

"Oh come one Nik, it is the least you can do. Just an hour alone with her." He licks his lips.

I can't help but to turn my head to see Harry's reaction. His eyes are dark, full of anger and his chest is rising and falling quickly. He looks like he is ready to kill someone. Frank being that someone.

"An hour is too long." Nik says to Frank causing my head to whip towards him. Is he really about to do this?

"What?" I find myself speaking up but he ignores me.

"Okay, half of that. Thirty minutes?" Frank negotiates.

"Fine." Nik agrees.

My mouth falls open at their agreement and I immediately feel sick to my stomach. My heart feels like it is going to burst out of my chest with how hard it is beating from the anxiety.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Harry's voice sounds from beside me.

I looked over to him, my vision blurred a bit from the tears forming in my eyes.

"Harry, please shut up." Nik turns towards him. "Sometimes you have to do things you don't necessarily like in order to get the things you want."

Nik brings his eyes to mine, a hint of an apology in them but I look away. The sight of him makes me sick. He told me he wouldn't let any harm come my way while we were here and what is he doing? Sending me off to be alone with some old fucking guy who is going to do God knows what with me! I feel Nik's presence coming closer to me and can feel his breath on my ear.

"Everything will be fine, I promise." His words are meant to calm me but I am anything but that right now. It is taking all of my strength to not drop down and have a panic attack while everyone in the room watches.

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