Chapter 2

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The van I'm in is still driving. Only it starts shaking as of a few minutes ago. I suspect we are driving on a dirt road, which I am sure we are. It's not really a very cool feeling. Especially when you still haven't eaten anything all day. It's making me nauseous! A bout of nausea comes up and my hands immediately shoot to my mouth. With difficulty, I manage to keep my nausea in check. I hope that soon we will be driving on a paved road again or stop.

As if I had predicted it, the van suddenly stops moving. I hear the engine being turned off and I hear a door being slammed, then there is silence for a few minutes....

Then the doors of the room in which I find myself swing open. Immediately I stiffen when I see the face of Pierre Gasly. What, how dare he suddenly kidnap me?

'What do you want from me Pierre!" I shout questioningly to him.

'Don't tell me!" shouts Pierre to me and then gets in. He walks over to me and picks me up. I kick my feet wildly and try to hit him, but it has no effect on him.

When he gets out of the van I see that I have ended up somewhere in the middle of nowhere. He doesn't stop walking and is walking somewhere, but to where I can't see. Then I see a door slam shut and I start kicking and punching even harder, but I just can't get loose. Not even a hair! Again I see a door close and not much later I am being set up somewhere. Immediately I want to run away from this room, but Pierre pushes me back. He pushes a button, after which I immediately get something cold of iron around my feet and wrists. I'm stuck!

'Pierre, please! Let me go!" I scream desperately, but he gives no sign of pity. Nothing at all!

'I want you to have no more contact with Lando. If I find out you're hanging out with Lando, it'll be the end of your little life,' he hisses at me menacingly. He gives me a hard slap in the face, against my temple and I fall away in no time. Everything goes black before my eyes.

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