𝒊𝒗. anger issues

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"So... you know my dad?"

"Oh yeah," Terry flashed another smile, putting an arm around Ennis. "Your father and I met in the Vietnam war, just like I met your Sensei Kreese."

Great, now there's three psycho warheads with PTSD running this dojo, she thought.

"Does that mean you'll be at Cobra Kai?" she then asked, almost faltering.

Terry pursed his lips.

"We'll catch up soon, Miss Cain."

With that, Terry Silver left the Cain residence.


DESPITE HER MIND RUNNING WILD trying to figure out who Terry Silver was and what he wanted, Ayane continued to work alongside Robby at the dojo.

The two of them were the best fighters there, as everyone knew.

Kreese especially knew this, but today he was going to determine who was truly the best.

During warmups, the doors opened. Ayane glanced over from the front of the room, noticing a rather small boy walk in.

She looked away, continuing the warmup.

God, she hoped he was not going to try and join.

"Mr. Keene," Kreese said to the side. Robby stopped, looking over. "You have a visitor."

All of the students stopped and turned to the boy.

"You know this kid?" Tory questioned. Robby shook his head.

"I-I'm Kenny. My brother, Shawn Payne, said you could help me."

Ayane did not know who that was, but Robby did.

"I didn't know Shawn had a brother. Is he out?"

Kenny replied, "No. That's why I'm here. These a-holes keep hassling me. One of them knows karate, so–"

"This is a dojo," Kreese cut him off, staring down at Kenny. "You are interrupting my class."

Kenny stammered, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't know–"

"Sensei," Robby looked over at Kreese. "Shawn Payne was one of the toughest guys in juvie. Kicked my ass a few times."

Kreese chuckled a bit. "You know, in the real world, we have to fight our own battles. Cobra Kai can teach you how. But you have to prove that you're worthy."

Kenny had no hesitation. "How do I do that?"

"Take your shoes off and get on the mat."

Ayane looked over at Robby, wondering if he was going to say something. He didn't, simply staring at Kenny.

Everyone gathered around the mat, sitting on their knees while Kenny stood in the middle.

"Alright, Mr. Payne, let's see what you got," Kreese said. "Mr. Park."

Kyler looked all too happy to stand up, walking over to face Kenny.

Austerity, Miguel Diaz²Where stories live. Discover now