Dust costs

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A/n: This is an appledash fanfiction. I'm planning to update a lot if this gets views at all. English is not my first language. Feel free to comment if you see any typo, I appreciate it :)

«Honestly, when will she come?» Applejack complained while playing cards with Pinkie Pie. I could see Pinkies blue eyes look over the cards with a smirk. «I won!» she said throwing a card over the pile. Apple Jack threw all the cards over the pile following a grunt. «You're supposed to say uno! Anyway, I wasn't paying attention.»

Apple Jack loved winning more than everything. She would be mad at me for a whole day when she lost over me. But I hadn't something better to say, I also loved winning. And I always win! Always.

Pinkie Pie also looked a bit tired of waiting. She crossed her arms. In the attempt to leaning her back on the statue on the top of the portal— she failed.

Pinkie Pie landed with a BANG through the statue's legs. She had waved her hands overall trying to support herself.

«Pinkie Pie! Are you okay?» the girl with the most calm voice I had ever heard spoke. Fluttershy. The pet lover. She raised up to help her. Pinkie Pie grabbed her hand as Fluttershy helped her up.

I got tired of waiting like an hour ago for Twilight coming from Equestria. Since it's peace in Equestria she hadn't much to do, so she sat up a monthly meeting now that she had her own portal at her castle. She even gave us a schedule last time she visited. And if I weren't wrong, she should've been here like 2 hours ago!

I could see my blue skin through the reflection of the portal. I had rainbow hair and magenta eyes.

My stomach groaling was the last straw; I got so bored that I kicked my football on its way to the portal, when it accidently hit the purple girl coming through. All the girls gathered around her.

«Twilight, I'm sorry,» I said with my none-usual calm voice. Then I straightened up my posture and cleared my throat. «But I mean, what took you so long? I could've played at least one round of soccer by now!»

All my friends looked strictly at me. «Rainbow, Twilight just came from Equestria to meet us, and all you care about is soccer?» Apple Jack hissed. I wrinkled my eyebrows. «I'm aware of that, anyway, yeah I was supposed to play with Spitfire today!»

I looked over at Twilight stroking her head. I went closer to Twilight. «I'm glad you came though,» I said nervously. Looking at Apple Jack like that cleared the case, but she was too concerned with Twilight. «It's okay Rainbow, at least it didn't land in Equestria. Then you wouldn't get your football back,» Twilight said as smart she was.

The girls looked strictly at me again as I itched my neck nervously. I decided it was for the best to not talk. «We're just happy you're here, darling,» Rarity said, scanning Twilight to see if everything was fine. Twilight smiled at her. «Of course. I'm happy to be here,» she said joyful.

Pinkie jumped up and down. «Now we can eat all the cakes and cupcakes in the world!» she cheered. Everyone gave her a confused look before Pinkie laughed. Most of us was also laughing, including Twilight.

«We have the school all for ourselves now, because principal Celestia and vice-principal Luna wanted us to decorate for the summer-ball!» Rarity said excitedly while clapping her hands. Her eyes shined of excitement; same with Pinkies. «Isn't that super mega wonderful fun?» Pinkie said loud. Twilight nodded with a spark of excitement too.

We headed to the gymnasium where the ball should be. Personally, I wasn't too excited. I would rather be home playing video games than decorating some girly ball, but my friends were important to me too. Especially now that Twilight just arrived.

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