3. Good News for People Who Love Bad News

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You took my hand, you showed me how
You promised me you'd be around
Uh-huh, that's right
I took your words, and I believed
In everything you said to me
Yeah, huh, that's right

Isabelle still felt so torn, she had already felt what it was like not to have the friendship of Brooke Davis for a short while and she hated it. She loved Brooke and she also loved Peyton, they had been her best friends since she was fourteen. The same thing that happened last year was happening again, except this time no cheating had happened but Brooke still felt so betrayed. She just couldn't help but feel guilty at times when she had secrets with Brooke and Peyton didn't know and vice versa. Something else Isabelle felt unsure of was the friendship between Colin and Peyton who seemed to grow closer.

Speaking of Peyton, she was currently sitting at a table alone in Karen's cafe, just waiting until a blonde guy with a camera walks in. "Yeah, it figures the first time a cheerleader talks to me, we're related," he says with a smile.

"I haven't actually talked to you yet" Peyton stated matter of factly as she looked up at the stranger by her table. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, You just did....this is a lot better than the other day when you slammed the door in my face" Peyton was still not amused and raised an eyebrow.

"After you hung up on me when I called?" 

"You caught me off guard" was his response.

"And you think I was expecting you to show up on my front porch?" 

"According to your podcast, yes" that shut Peyton up a little bit and she bit the side of her bottom lip a bit trying not to smile a lot. "I've known about you for a while now, but I didn't know if I wanted to meet you so when you called, it freaked me out. But I was curious" Peyton tilted her head a little as she nodded and took in what he said.

"Why didn't you just call me back?"

"I was afraid you would hang up on me" he answered back which made Peyton smile for real this time. "I'm sorry, okay look," he said down at the open chair by her table. "Let's start over, Hi I'm Derek. I guess I'm your brother" Derek introduced himself and held out his hand. 

"Hi Derek, I'm Peyton," she said and started to shake Derek's hand. 

"So Peyton, who'd you bring?" Derek asked her making her almost laugh nervously. "What do you mean?" 

"You don't strike me as a dumb girl, so you'd you bring as back up in case I turned out to be a psycho?" Peyton smiled and eyed the table behind Derek. Colin sighed and turned around to look at them.

"Derek, Colin, Colin, Derek" Peyton said introducing the two boys to each other. The two boys shook hands. The nervous pit in Peyton's stomach was starting to fade away. 


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