2. Things I Forgot at Birth

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You don't know my name
You don't know anything about me
I try to play nice
I want to be in your game

Brooke who had been staying with Isabelle since her fight with Peyton had now left the Marks household, she loved Isabelle dearly but at the moment seeing her with Lucas did hurt her. Not necessary because she loved Lucas, but more what Isabelle and Lucas had that Brooke could never have, she never had it with Lucas and she never truly had it with Colin. Lucas's heart had always belonged to Isabelle no matter how hard anyone tried to deny it. 

Seeing them lately made Brooke realize that, if people were destined to have soulmates then those two were meant for each other, and others coming in between them were just other stops before they reached each other. Brooke had hoped that she would have the same with Colin, but now she knew she wouldn't. She might never have what Isabelle and Lucas had and right now it hurt. It also hurt living just next door to her former best friend, Brooke couldn't deal with it so she went to the one people who had thought would be the last person Brooke would go to, Rachel Gatina. 


Isabelle like many other nights had issues sleeping, the spot where Brooke had been sleeping now empty. That night Lucas filled the void but not completely, she loved him and he made her feel safe. But it was a difference having Lucas there and having Brooke there. It was just many things she could talk with Brooke about that she couldn't talk to Lucas about. 

Lucas had one arm that was laying underneath Isabelle's neck and then resting gently on her shoulder holding her close to him while his other arm was behind his own head. He had fallen asleep not that long ago, Isabelle was still laying awake with her head resting on his chest. Isabelle glanced over at the clock on her nightstand, in bright red colors, she could see the clock turn 12:00 am. It was now Brooke's official birthday and the friendship between her, Isabelle and Peyton couldn't be more up in the air than it was now. She slowly let her head lay back against Lucas's chest and listen to his heartbeat. 

This senior year had meant to be a new start, be the best year yet but instead, it had been filled with so much tragedy. Right now the future looked so uncertain on so many levels, the only thing Isabelle knew right now was that she at least had Lucas. Isabelle sighed softly and closed her eyes and finally sleep started to take her into a world of dreams instead. 

The things that you say
You may think I never hear about them
But word travels fast
I'm telling you to your face
I'm standing here behind your back


Peyton is sitting on the edge of her bed looking down at the floor before her eyes slide over to her wall of records. "She broke up with you" Peyton looks at Colin who is sitting on the floor against the shelf. "Well, did she say why she broke up with you?" she asks him.

"She said she loved me but she didn't miss me anymore. I don't know--she said it was because of you" Colin says shrugging his shoulders and sighing while Peyton feels her heart skip but also drop for a moment.

"Because of me?" she asks, did Brooke tell him?

"That kiss, she said it wasn't that but if that's true then there's something that she's not telling me," Colin said not able to think what else it could be. It must be it, Peyton looks away for a moment and lets out a breath she didn't know she had been holding in. 

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