Main Characters and Other Info

Start from the beginning

Eerie Elevin-Selvin

Syrukia Sigh-roo-kee-uh

Suni-verozi SUU-nee-vee-ohz

Sirivena Sigh-ree-veh-nuh


Virku-kane VER-KOO- Kaw-Knee

Rizu-kane Ree-Zoo- Kaw-Knee

Venom Phantom

Vilira Vill-LEER-Uh

Venxious Ven-Egz-EE-Us


Cestia Cess-TEE-uh

Cevestion Cev-ess-TEE-on

Sirenzania Siren Songernia

Eziylia-1 Ez-eey-LEE-uh

Eziynda-2 (Betrothed) Ez-EEN-duh


Meranda Mer-AND-DUH

How this story and Everything Started

I did it. I finally done it and rewrote this story. Well the part I completed See I kinda planned for more, but I got discourage and that's why you don't make negative comments like I thought this was going to be good but this was a waste of time.

But I'm done with those people I do this for myself.

Do you ever get this idea in your head that you love it so much you wish it came true?

That was me with this story.

I always liked writing creatively and one day in middle school (eek the memories) I had an idea stuck in my head. I wrote random scenes of it on paper. I drew some of the characters. I made a forest and a legend. To everyday people like us there was a legend that there was a legendary forest that was filled with magic. In that forest was also kingdoms that people ruled. I originally started with a girl with golden hair found a way out of there and came to a place like either Japan or France (I don't remember, it was long ago cut me some slack). Now the forest wasn't there she just kinda spawned in the country. The forest can be found anywhere since it's magical, but it's hard to find. Anyway the country she landed in they were fighting. She used magic light and her friends which were like either two step cousins/ just civilians of the kingdom she's from, a girl who ran away from darkness enveloping her kingdom, a silver swordsman, and two brothers that were royal were by her side to stop it.

Guess who didn't exist.

Niderudion and Novaliera or any of the moons.

I started with the Light Kingdom (I called it) which is now Narvidian. The princess was her. The two cousins/citizens were Relvon/Elvon. The girl who ran away from darkness was Cestia. The silver swordsmen was the Narvidian servant. The two royal brothers were from the element kingdom where one was an heir and the other rather not be royal at all cause he neglected for being a spare.

I got the heir/spare idea when a teacher was talking about England and interesting things that happened with the royal family.

Anyway I also make them go through like areas related to societies in like movies. (I'm trying to remember from the deepest pits of my head) They were fighting to obtain something in the real world that would get rid of the darkness in the forest. I also had done a cross magic thing where together it's powerful. The main golden girl has time and could change their memories because of the changing time. One had teleportation and healing. There was also visions too.

Now going through things and stuff the girl ends up with the spare element guy. Then something happens while riding on a horse where they visit some person that survived leaving the forest since its hard to leave. It's not like you can walk out, their a magic barrier that's hard to get through but those magic combined is powerful and got them through. They needed a sword and because he probably understand.

He had red hair and knew the silver swordsman. He had the memory power too and told them where to go. That's not important, what happened next they somehow got to a school but lost their memory of what they are and why they are there. The red hair guy and silver swordsman had to go and help them remember. Then I was kinda thinking I kinda like red hair guy with golden girl. I changed that.

Once they returned and did what they had to do and brought peace and no evil darkness, there was a strong fighter in the forest. I kinda like her with red haired guy.

I decided to do and figure out more about the red haired guy, he ended up being Niderudion.

I made a slight back story, but I wanted to write it down. I found this picture book like sight and made it through pictures. I then found other sites until I found a good writing one. I started the story at Niderudion and his sister. I made reedins and Midnira. I end up making the plot totally different.

None of that is spoilers cause it doesn't happen.

It got crazy.

Basically I was insecure and I was dealing with fake people in reality too that could of been part of it.

I made a story based on the crap of people and kinda depressing. Around March covid hit. I was reading a lot more than I wrote. I wanted to write again now I seen others and the depressing book made me stronger with the way it's written. I had three ideas:

Idea #1 was about a guy getting beached looses his memory and a girl of a rebellion finds him. He was suppose to take out girl of rebellion before he lost his memory. Then she cares for him and he helps her with rebellion and they fall in love when he remembers what he had to do.

Idea #2 I like fairytales. I should do my own twist on one. The Little Mermaid, but Imma change a lot and add my own lore, different story, and characters to it. A Mermaid's Dream. I got obsessed and had this story overtake the legendary forest in my head.

Idea #3 A shadow princess who steals to prevent things to get into evil's hands. When she fails she meets an enemy who realize he's been on the wrong side and saves her from his clans' grasp. Years later and never going out again she goes to a new school where she meets someone who similar to the enemy who saved her. She realized the school not at all good as it seems and its leader is the evil clan.

Anyways I did idea #2 and it got crazy. I made A Mermaid's Dream , but I also wanted to go into backstories. I decided to go on a story about one of side mermaids, Kaisa and a story about before events of AMD and even stuff way after. I then wrote drafts for a sequel after AMD and then about Kaisa's butler's parents. I even made notes about the characters' children.

So in September 2019, yesh that was a long time ago, when the world was happy and peaceful, I started writing this story. I was a baby though. I was seriously a freshmen; that's crazy. I then finished it like in November-December. I made other short stories I started too. Except I got a dumb comment I mentioned above and was discouraged. I like stopped those and the one I wanted to finish I don't remember where I was going to go with it. Also I never wrote a story er book before. Also sometime way after I finished it I then decided to look at other people's stuff I felt they were better.

During 2020 summer I decided to rewrite it. In every long break like summer and winter break I did some.

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