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Chapter dedicated to my readers <3 thank you for your wonderful comments. ❤️

I look at the clock, therapy is almost over. I sit in silence as the therapist sits in silence looking at me waiting for me to say something, "you know you're just making this harder on yourself but if you need time to talk I am here for you." She says as she takes a sip of her Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I give her a glare, Who does she think she is she doesn't know anything about me she doesn't know anything that I've been through I literally changed history I lost a family I saved.

"You know I don't think I will be coming back here" I tell her as I glare at her. "You seem to be incorrect in that dear you are scheduled to be seeing me by your guardian which is your grandmother. you see you may be in the body of a 21 year old but your mindset is still the One of a child and it was by Dr.'s orders you have no choice. this is how you will get better and will get over what you have gone through. no one here is against you, as you may see it. everyone here just wants to help you it's the way you take it that affects your behavior that's why you're so angry all the time to cover up the sadness and pain of whenever someone tells you something you don't want to hear but that's not how you deal with the trauma you went through of losing five years of your life in a made up world in your head that you've adjusted to and released back into the real world where time has passed and people have changed."

She takes a sip of her Coffee, " anger doesn't help with this, anger won't make the pain go away anger won't let you go back out  to the world that you were in for five years. I know it hurts, now I may not know what world that was but you were in but it seems to have been a large part of the last five years of your life. I'm here to help you deal out with your trauma and come to terms so you can build new relationships and I know you must be scared of change but change is inedible change is always happening you can't can't get around it no I'm finishing our time for today I expect to see you next Tuesday"

The timer rings and I stand up overfilled with emotions trying to process her snappy words towards me. How dare she has the audacity to tell me that? who is she to me? nobody! she has no right to demand to hear what I've experienced that's not for her to know she's not my family my family is stuck back in time, my family is where my siblings and parents are. I wipe away a tear as I walk out the building and go to meet my aunt Helen since I'm not on good terms with my grandmother right now she's angry at me for snapping at Nikolai's grandfather though I had every right to since he was miss spreading information he was lying he was grasping at nothing to have been grasped or to have existed.

I get into the car and strap my seatbelt as my aunt starts driving us home, " so how was it?" she asks me I keep looking out the window as I respond "it's just a waste of time" my aunt sighs as she calmly says "Valentina I know you might not understand this now but this will help you for a while,
you can't be dealing with this on your own you need someone to talk to now I know it may not be me or your grandmother because we won't understand and even anyone else won't understand but your therapist will know how to help you through it she has worked with people in your situation before. Your doctor recommended her to us. She is the best in her field she's helped so many people get their lives back from comas it can't be like this forever you're just wasting your life away even if it's not in a coma this is a little step that has to be taken to achieve something greater" she lectures me.

I sit in silence filled with annoyance, it's not going to get better. We Pull up to our house and I immediately get out of the car I slam  the door behind me and barge in, I go straight to my room and slam the door shut. I collapse on my bed and let my tears fall. why, why does this happen to me? am I really sick? am I really schizophrenic? do I have a mental illness? why can I just have a normal family? why can't I stay in one time? Why was I chosen apart from everyone else in this world why me?

I was only 16 I had friends had a boyfriend I had a life without a mother and father my grandma and my aunt were enough but now it feels like nothing is enough. Nothing is enough compared to the life I had with the Romanovs. It wasn't perfect it was very flawed but I had loving sisters, I had a brother I had a mother I had a father. I got over my feeling of loneliness because of Tatiana. She helped me she learned to understand me she was my best friend even while being devoted to Olga she still has a special place in my heart.

She made me feel sane while  I felt insane. Now I have this feeling all over again and there's no one to help me, my stupid therapist won't get it my family doesn't get it no one's in my position and there's no history book to show that what I managed to accomplish happened.

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