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I hear my curtains being opened as bright light hits my face. I cover my face with my blankets as I groan. I hear my Aunt say, "Valentina, get your butt out of bed, you have been in this bed ever since you got out of the hospital, don't you have enough of laying down? You have to get out into the world again. I know it's hard but you can't stay here forever" she says as I feel her tear the covers off my face. I squint my eyes as I groan, "Just leave me alone Auntie, I'm tired" I make up an excuse as she opens the rest of my curtains and I sit up feeling groggy while looking at her.

"No way, you are going to run errands with me today, be ready in an hour" she says as she looks at her watch. "I'm being serious Vanya, you better get ready" she warns before leaving the room. I collapse back on my bed as I take a look at the phone that is covered with dust, not used for 5 years. I was tempted to pick it up but my stomach twists and turns whenever I think of doing it.

I sigh and manage to get up and walk to my closet taking out baggy sweatpants and a T-shirt. I go to the bathroom and turn on the hot water. I stand under the water doing nothing for 20 minutes as I zone out. I snap out of it as I hear a knock on the bathroom door. "Everything alright?" I hear my Aunt shout through the bathroom door. "Everything is good!" I shout back feeling nothing but empty. I proceed to wash my hair and get out of the shower to change into my new pair of clothes.

I dry my hair and throw it up in a lazy bun to have it out of my face. I really need a haircut or I need to remember how Olga helped me style it. I get out of the bathroom and throw my dirty clothes to the laundry basket. I walk down stairs and walk to the kitchen as I watch the TV play in the living room. I keep my eyes on the screen as I take out a bowl of cereal. I pull out the corn flakes and sit down on the couch watching the news, weather reports, local news, high school events.

"Oh look, the fair is in town Vanya, we should go" my auntie says as she walks to the kitchen. I shrug, not responding to her as I stuff my face with cereal. I finish eating and put the dishes in the sink before walking away. "I am going to get my purse, put on your shoes Vanya" Auntie Helen says as I put on my flip flops. I stand by the door as Auntie walks up with her purse and frowns, "You are going out like this?" she asks me. I look down at my appearance, I look like a bum but I really don't care. "Yes" I say as Auntie doesn't say anything and walks past me to the car.

I follow her, she won't say anything because they are being extra nice, if it weren't for what happened to me she would tell me to go change. I get in the passenger seat and the first place we go to is the dry cleaners. We drive into the plaza where the drycleaners are. My aunt looks at her phone, "We are a few minutes early, don't you want to go to the bookstore?" she asks me. The barnes and noble is on this plaza too. I look out the window at it and shrug as I sip on the pepsi we got from wendy's before getting here.

She looks at me disappointed but then says sternly, "If you are not willing to answer then I will decide for you". She unlocks the car, "Go to the bookstore, I will pick you up once I am done at the dry cleaners" I get out with my drink and walk to the bookstore. I walk past the cheery workers, the anime kids, the girls in the romance section, and walk to the world history part as I look at the russian history section. I see a book with the cover as my sisters.

I take it without reading the book and look down at the cover as I accidently bump into someone. "Sorry" I mumble as I look up to see a guy in his early 20s chuckle at me, "It's alright I guess we both weren't watching where we were going" he says as I give a noticeable fake smile as I try to walk away. "You are interested in russian history?" He follows me. I hold in an annoyed sigh, can't he just leave me alone?

"Yes" I give him a short answer as he continues to follow me. "The last russian grand duchesses? I am not surprised they are very popular" he says as I continue to go to different book sections hoping he will leave me be. "I have family from russia, none of the books you will find here are helpful, my grandfather runs a vintage book store, you should visit him, he can tell you a lot" the boy rambles as I just ignore him but he steps in front of me preventing me from walking any further.

"At least take my number, just in case you change your mind" he says. "Fine" I roll my eyes hoping he will stop bothering me. He looks at me as I give him an annoyed look, "Aren't you going to give me your contact information?" I say harshly as he says, "Aren't you going to take out your phone?". "I don't have a phone" I say as he looks at me surprised, "Wow you don't?". "No I don't" I say as he pulls out a marker and asks if he can write his number on my wrist as I shrug and let him.

"I hope you decide to come" he says as I shrug and wave goodbye as I go to the register and buy the book with the $20 my aunt gave me. I walk out of the store still sipping on my soda as I walk to the dry cleaners and just to my luck my aunt is waiting at the register for her clothes. "Great you are here they went to get the clothes, what books did you get?" She asks me as I shrug taking them book out of the bag as she looks at it surprised. "The Romanov family? Why such a sudden interest?" She asks me. I shrug as she sighs while the man hands her the clothes. We leave the building and walk to the car as we go to the jewelers next.

I follow my aunt out of the car unwillingly as we enter the shop. An employee named Stacy meets us with a heavy country accent, "Why hello there ladies, how can I help you today?" She asks. My aunt smiles, "We are here to look at engagement rings". I wake up and look at my aunt, "what?!". My aunt blushes, "well Valentina, I've been in love with your grandmother for a very long time now and 4 years ago she finally gave me a chance and we fell in love" she explains as shock rings throughout my head and body.

"So you are proposing?!" I almost shriek. My aunts face drops, "god she said it would be too soon to tell you about us, and now I came and took you engagement ring shopping without even giving you time to process it" she says sadly. I snap out of my shocked state, "no, no, no whatever makes you happy, I don't care" I say as she looks at me even more disappointed, "you don't care?".

"No! That's not what I meant!" I say annoyed as she took my words out of context. "Let's just look at rings" I walk past her and follow bleach blonde Stacy to the engagement ring section. Aunt Helen follows me as we look at the different options. "Which one do you think she will like the best?" She asks me as I look and shrug, I don't really remember what she liked and didn't, it's been so long. "Whatever looks the most Russian" I shrug as Stacy laughs at my 'joke' as I find a ring that looks similar to the one my mama wore, "what about this one?" I suggest.

Auntie looks at it and smiles widely as she gives me a side hug, "Oh Vanya you are just amazing! She would love this! This one!" Aunt Helen says as Stacy pulls it out and they talk about size and payment. I get bored and get out of the store and go to a different part of the mall to get a refill for my drink. "Excuse me miss! Miss!" One of the booth sales men follow after me. "Miss would you like to get your hair styled for free?" He asks as I say no.

I get to the food court I see a group of middle schoolers. I ignore their snickers and laughs as I refill my drink. I walk past them to get back to the jeweler. "Having a main character moment?" One of them shouts while snickering. I ignore them, what the hell do they even mean? I walk back to the jewelry shop as my aunt walks out and we head to the car.

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