Chapter 18 - Make It Right

Mulai dari awal

"I'm awake." I said. He turned quickly. He gave a small smile and came over to the bed.

"Hey." he said softly sitting on the edge. His back was towards me. He ran his hand through his hair. His head went up.
"Where'd you go?" I asked softly. I thought of the worst but wished for the best.

"The bar." He answered. He turned around and patted next to him. "Come here." He said. I shook my head no. He probably drank more. The only unusual thing is I didn't smell it.  "Erin, sweetheart. Please." He asked kind of hurt. I crawled out of the covers and over to him. I pulled my legs over the bed and sat next to him. Still no smell. Only cigarettes.

"You smoked?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Nope. Was hanging out with a few friends. Then I saw Bo. He was having problems with Kendyl. She is getting mad at him for forgetting a lot but he is just trying to do that engagement thing." He told me. I nodded.

Where is the parts about how many beers has he had? I had my head down and I felt his finger pull my head up by my chin. I was now looking at him. He crashed his lips on mine which surprised me. I pulled away unsure of what to say or do.

My hands went up when he came closer so he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at me and then to my hands which were still up. How is he going to come home from a bar and kiss me after I just fought with him about going out and drinking so much. He grabbed my wrist and put my hands down.

I just looked at him. What is he doing. He is acting different. I pray that everything is going to go well. I can't take him drinking anymore. I need him to not drink like he does. It scares me to death and I don't want to lose him. The grip  on my wrist eased as he sighed and looked me in the eyes.

"I didn't drink Erin. I had soda. That's all. You can ask all the people that were there. The bar tender. Hell, he'll remember because he was surprised I ordered a coke. You can ask Bo. You could smell if I drank. You could of tasted it."

"So you left and didn't drink?" I asked shocked.

"No. I realized something. Some things are more important than others. Even if I enjoy both, I have to see which one is more important to me." He said. Looking at me dead in the eyes.

"What is more important to you?" I asked.

"You." He smiled. I smiled and crawled onto his lap. I dug my head into his neck and stayed like that. "You mean more to me than any Jose, Jack, Jim, Don, Bud, or Miller ever has. They don't hold me at night. They don't kiss me. They don't care about me. They don't love me. You do. I can't love a bottle but I can sure love you." He said into my ear. I had tears in my eyes hearing that. He rubbed my back

Tate is better than my father. He is choosing me over the alcohol. That is a bigger step than my father has ever taken. Not once has he chose my mother or me over the alcohol. I can't help but love him even more because of this. I pulled away and looked at him. He had a genuinely happy smile on his face. I put one right onto mine before I crashed my lips onto his.

We tangled ourselves up in the sheets and ended up cuddling to one another. I listened to his heart beat and breathing knowing this is where I am suppose to be. Out of all the things I've done in my life, being with him is one of the best choices I ever made. I don't regret making him choose but I'm happy that I did.

"I love you." I told him as we lay there in silence.

"I love you too." He said kissing my head afterwards.

"Thank you."
"For what?" He asked.

"For proving that me being with you is probably the greatest thing I've ever done." I said. His heart sped up a little. His arm rubbed mine.

"I should thank you for showing me that choices are going to have to be made for the greater good. I may drink a little heavy sometimes but put my ass in place. I know you can. You already have and so far I'm liking it." He said. I smiled.

"Let's get some sleep, honey. It's Thanksgiving and I'm helping your mama and Bailee. Oh! Speaking of Bailee." I said sitting up real quick. He looked at me confused.

"Everything okay with her?" I nodded quick.

"Your parents have known about her smoking. She finally showed it to your father. He didn't flip or anything. She's been worried for nothing." He smiled and pulled me back down.

"Let me guess, you pushed her to having her show him?" He asked.

"Well, by push, you mean guide her into telling him well showing him then yes." I said. He chuckled.

"You and being pushy." I smiled. "I wouldn't have my baby any other way."
"I wouldn't want to be any other way." I said.

"Good. Now shhhhh. Bed time." He said like a kid. I giggled and kissed his chest before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. With my love and best friend.


15 Votes

What do you think about everything working out?
Do you think that Tate will be able to cut back to where Erin wants with his drinking?
Do you think that Kendyl is going to help Bo and it's not going to blow his surprise to her?

Thank y'alls for reading! Please keep commenting and voting!

- Pup

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