Chapter 8 - "I Need You"

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A/N: Ah, I'm sorry it's took so long. I've been so busy. I was gonna upload this weekend but it was my sister's baby shower and everything so sorry; but it's here now! :)~ WorshipStew

(Robert's P.O.V)

I woke up, her warmth was against my body. She was curled up into my chest, sleeping peacefully. I lay awake, taking in her perfect features. She started to stir. Her face, still sleeping, looked hurt and confused. She started whimpering then, I got a little scared, but very protective. Suddenly, she started screaming my name. It scared me, making me jump slightly.

"Rob!," she screamed whilst her eyes remained shut. "Rob! Come back! Please! I need you!" Then she gently whispered; "I love you."

She started crying in her sleep. Her pain sent my heart into panic mode, scared for her.

"Kristen," I said, shaking her gently. "Kristen baby, I'm here."

She screamed, making me gasp in shock, then her eyes shot open. She was muttering my name as her eyes darted around, as if she were searching for me, looking terrified. She grabbed my hand that was around her waist and a sudden wave of relief crossed her face. My arms were still protectively around her. She looked up, into my eyes and then snuggled desperately into my chest and starting sobbing. I held her body close to mine as she buried her face in my bare chest.

"Kristen?," I whispered gently as I ran my hand from her hair and down her naked back. "Are you alright?"

Her sobs shattered my heart. I hated it when she was upset; it hurt me too. She then lifted her face away from me, her hands resting on my chest, looking up, her eyes wet and swollen, as a single tear rolled down her beautiful face.

"You're still here?" She whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere, I promise." I reassured her, wiping the tear away with my thumb.

Relief filled her features before I lifted her face to mine and kissed her softly before she lay on my chest again. The feel of her so close to me was amazing. She brought out something really special in me that I couldn't explain.

"Kristen?" I asked, rubbing soothing circles on her back with my fingertips, her head on my chest.

"Yeah?" She whispered, her voice thick with tears.

"Why were you crying? You woke up screaming and you scared the shit out of me."

I thought I already knew the answer, due to her desperate screams for me this morning, I just wanted her to confirm it.

"Nothing." She muttered grabbing my hand tighter and bringing it to her face.

She sighed as she rubbed her cheek against the back of my hand which was entwined still with hers.

"It was nothing," she said again before turning her face up to me and kissing me once more.

Her mouth on mine was something amazing. I loved this woman more than anything.

"I don't like it when you're sad," I muttered against her lips. "I love you."

She responded by kissing me once again. She pulled away slowly after awhile and put her hand on my face.

"I love you Rob, so, so much. I love you so much it hurts."

I was a little shocked by the word choice.

"I don't want you to be hurt." I muttered, my arms still wrapped around her naked body which was partially under the covers.

"I mean, like, I'm Kristen Stewart. I never allow myself to rely on anyone. I've always believed that I'll make my own way in life and that I'll never let anyone get the better of me. But with you, I can't help it. I've fallen so deeply in love with you that I need you. I need you so much because I love you so much. You're a part of me. My other half and I never wanted to let anyone control me the way you do but it's happened and I don't mind because it's you. I'm so in love that I can't live without you and I don't want to try again. But now, I keep thinking that I'm gonna wake up and you're not gonna be here. Or maybe I'll turn my back and you'll leave again and I couldn't bare it. Not again... I feel vulnerable because I need you so much. And I'm sorry but I love you Rob." She whispered, looking away from my gaze and putting her head back on my chest.

I was taken aback. She felt vulnerable because she needs me. She really wasn't the type of person to rely on anyone but she relies on me because she loves me. I felt so touched. Kristen had so many walls and I'd tore them down so I saw the real Kristen. I loved her but I needed her to know that I wasn't going anywhere.

"Kristen," I whispered to her. "Baby, I won't ever leave you again. The only reason I left was because I thought you didn't love me. But I see you. I see the real Kristen. Yes, I see the Kristen that made a mistake but I also see the Kristen who loves me more than I could ever ask for, who fights for everything she believes in and doesn't let anyone bring her down and that's the Kristen I've fell completely in love with. I'm not going anywhere I promise. Please stop worrying. I'm so, so sorry."

She lifted her head from my chest and looked me in the eyes before kissing me desperately; her hands going to my hair as she slid her body up mine making pleasure shudder through my body.

(Kristen's P.O.V) - A Few Weeks Later.

It was nearly time to promote 'Breaking Dawn.' Me and Rob were stronger than ever and on our way to start the Breaking Dawn press tour and I was promoting in Tokyo without Rob. My heart was hammering as I packed my suitcase which was balancing on the bed.


I jumped slightly at his voice, a little nervous at our first time apart since the split.

"Hey Kristen, what's wrong?" He said, sympathy in his eyes as I turned around to look him.

"I'm fine," I stammered, forcing a smile before continuing to pack my suitcase.

I felt his body press against mine as he came behind me to grab my waist and slide me onto the bed with him.

"Don't lie to me Kristen." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"It's just," I sighed, giving up. "It's just that being away from you, it isn't" I stammered. "It isn't the easiest thing for me."

Understanding crossed his expression. "Ah, I see," he nodded, his grip on my waist tightening slightly. "It's not easy for me either Kristen and it's only for a few days. We meet up again in L.A for the premiere and then go to the rest of the countries together. You'll be okay. I'll keep in touch of course. Please stop worrying." He murmured.

I felt so clingy. I turned to face him properly causing him to move his hands from my waist and gripping my hips instead.

"Look, I don't mean to be a pain or anything; I just-" I was interrupted when he placed a kiss on my lips.

"Baby, it's okay. Come on, we're gonna be late for your plane. I have to get mine later too."

A horrible pain washed over me which made my heart sink when he finished packing my bag and walked me to my car. I was used to not seeing Rob a lot like when we had separate movies and stuff like that; but this was worse. This was the first time without him since he left. I gave myself a mental slap. 'Get over it Kristen. It's gonna be fine.' I told myself as we hauled my suitcase into my Mini. I turned to Rob, his tousled hair looking perfect and his face beautiful, and I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him fiercely. His hands ran up my back and into my hair before he pulled away and hugged me.

"I love you baby, you'll be okay." He muttered into my hair before letting me go and giving me one last painful glance as I got into my car and drove to the airport. Rob's locket was hanging around my neck and his jacket was on my lap. I needed some of him with me.

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