Chapter 4 - "We Need To Talk"

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A/N: Thanks everyone who's read this, it makes me happy :) ~ WorshipStew

(Kristen's P.O.V)

I was running. From what? I don't know. I had the sense it wanted to kill me. I was terrified, more scared than ever and started running faster. The wind whipped my hair as I ran through a dark forest. The sky was black, everything was black, dark and evil as if it was shadowing the thing chasing me. I tripped over twigs and the wild branches of the dead trees tried to grab me. The thing was getting closer, gaining on me with every passing moment. I ran faster until I fell. The thing tried to reach out to me, ready to end my life before I let out a shrieking scream.

I woke suddenly, still screaming from my nightmare. I was shaking and sweating, still scared from the vivid dream. I quickly went to grab Rob, my arms scrambling for him desperately; wanting to bury myself into his arms of protection, only to find that the sheets were empty. I sat up, facing the harsh reality like a slap in the face. It'd been a month and 2 weeks since he'd gone, and I'd just got back from the 'On The Road' press tour, doing interview after interview, avoiding any questions about Rob. His appearance at the 'Cosmopolis' premiere was all over magazines, impossible to miss; and with the 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' press tour and premiere fast approaching, we needed to talk. With every day that passed without him, I assumed it would get easier. It didn't. It grew harder everyday. I felt quite pathetic; I never wanted to allow myself to need anyone. I wanted to make my own way in life, I didn't believe in that rescue shit. But it was different now. My heart made me fall madly in love with Robert. I'd never been in love like this, even when I dated Michael. It was different this time. Incredibly different. I'd fell too hard, it was ridiculous how much I loved him, but it was amazing when he was here, but he wasn't anymore.

We needed to talk about this, even if he never wanted to be with me again. I sat up in bed, wearing one of Rob's shirts like always, and turned my phone on with shaking hands. 12 missed calls. Jeez. Some were off my mom, others off my brother. I didn't bother to call them back, instead I opened up my contacts, scrolling down to 'R'. Rob's number still there, of course. I clicked on his name, for the first time in so long. I started writing my text:

'Rob, I'm so sorry. We need to talk about this, please. Kristen.'

With shaking fingers, I pressed send. I put my name on the end in case he deleted my number. I sat agitatedly waiting for a reply, running my hands through my hair nervously, before finding it a smart idea to get out of bed and take a shower. I let the warm water wash over me, relaxing my tense muscles as I over thought about everything again. It was strange how I always thought of myself as a strong person; I always stood up for what I believed in and I always stayed honest, stayed myself, despite what anyone said or thought. But here I was, feeling like I was crumbling away bit by bit, also feeling the hallow hole in my chest where my heart used to be.

When I was out the shower, I padded slowly into my bedroom, my canopy bed still messy as my white sheets were all over the place from my awful nightmare. I sat down on the edge of my bed, my hair damp and I was wearing hot-pants and Rob's shirts again, a different one this time, but I liked the thought of Rob permenantly near me, his smell all around me and I didn't bother to dress properly, I didn't see myself leaving the house today. I took a glance at my phone, a quick wave of fear washing over me, before I picked up my phone to read the message.

'I know Kris, I've been thinking lately, we need to sort this out. I'm still really mad at you. You hurt me deeply but we're gonna have to promote Breaking Dawn together, we do need to talk. Are you home?'

A let out a huge sigh of relief, some of the pain that had burdened me for so long was gone. I was shaking with the slight hope that we may be at least friends again. I replied to the text, my shaking never ceasing.

'Yeah I'm home. Why?'

I think he wanted to come over to talk. I felt a little nervous, I didn't think my mind would be responsible for anything I'd do, my heart would cloud my decisions.

'I'm coming over, we need to sort this.'

He sounded angry, though I couldn't really tell from the texts. I felt a little nervousness settle in and I started to straighten up my house. Making the bed, putting clothes in the hamper, putting the deserted pillows back on the sofa from where I'd madly throw them when I was upset. I tidied the kitchen a little but I rarely used it. Come to think of it, I rarely ate. I looked down and my already skinny legs and gave a startled gasp when they looked slightly skinner, not in a nice way. At that shocking realisation I quickly made a sandwich and was eating quietly when there was a knock at my door. I dropped the plate on the table, my half eaten sandwich nearly falling off it. I looked down at my appearance; still wearing some tiny little hot-pants and Rob's shirt, his necklace hiding underneath. I quickly ragged a brush though my tangled hair. Jeez, I felt as awful as I looked.

I opened the door slowly, there was Rob, seeing him in all his glory for the first time in so long. My heart ached at the sight of him. His eyes looked like an empty void, his perfectly tousled hair a little bushy as he stared back at me like I was an alien from planet Mars.

"Kristen?" He questioned; his gaze turning to shock.

My heart squeezed at the sound of his voice and I couldn't help but look down, away from his gaze. I felt him gently grab my arm to carefully push me towards the sofa, inviting himself in. I gasped at his touch. He seemed to notice as he used his thumb to lift my face to his, I looked up into his pain filled eyes before grabbing his hand, that was still on my chin, to touch it. I wanted to see if it was real or if I was dreaming. I examined his hand, twisting it this way and that before deciding that I wasn't dreaming and dropping it.

"So," I started, "where are we gonna start?"

He gave a sad sigh, taking a seat on the sofa and I stayed standing, not knowing if he would want me near him. The dull ache in my chest continued to throb, even though he was here.

"Kristen," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "Why?"

That was all had to say for me to understand what he was referring too. The ache in my chest intensified.

"Rob, it was a stupid mistake. He asked me if I wanted to hang out, we used to hang out when I was filming Snow White, just as friends, and Charlize used to tag along too. When he asked me to hang out this time, it was almost random. I hadn't seem him in ages but I thought 'why not?' You know? He had become a friend to me. I hadn't seen you in awhile, it was beginning to bother me, how much I really missed you and then he came onto me, and being in the vulnerable state that I was, I let him. It was just kissing though I promise and it was only one freaking time! The majority of those pictures are photo shopped, but either way, I'm deeply sorry for hurting you. I didn't only hurt you, I hurt myself. I love you Rob. You're the most important thing in my life and I'm so, so sorry."

I ran a hand through my hair, shaking my leg in anticipation. I looked at Rob, his eyes were filled with pain still, but there was understanding there. I felt so awful for my terrible mistake, his painfilled eyes making guilt stab me in the chest. I couldn't take it anymore. I started crying, hysterically. I sat on the floor with my head in my hands as sobs racked through my body.

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