Chapter 1 - "What The Fuck Do You Know?!"

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  • Zadedykowane Robsten <3

A/N: Okay, this is my first attempt at a Robsten love story. I love them far too much, it's insane! They are absolutely perfect together; it's crazy. It will mostly be in Kristen's perspective since I am a girl and find it easier to write as one. So yeah, I hope you like it! Votes and comments are greatly appreciated :) ~ WorshipStew 

(Kristen's P.O.V)

It's like you're screaming, and no one can hear. You almost feel ashamed; that someone could be that important, that without them, you feel like nothing. No one will ever understand how much it hurts. You feel hopeless, like nothing can save you. You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back, so that you could have the good.

My name appeared on the news for the 100th time that day;

"Kristen Stewart cheats on Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson with Snow White and The Huntsman director, Rupert Sanders"

I grabbed the remote and turned the TV off before throwing it angrily at the screen. 

"What the fuck do you know?!" I shouted at the now blank TV screen before bursting into tears.

I curled up into a ball on the sofa, put my head in my hands and tried to control myself. It was so unlike me to get this bothered by the media but this one cut me deep. I felt anger burn inside me, but overshadowed by pain, hurt and loss. Rob. My heart squeezed with pain at the thought of his name. What had I done? I closed my eyes, silent tears rolling down my cheeks and the memories came flooding back.

(Earlier that day)

"Kristen! What is this?" Robert said, pointing to a picture of me and Rupert in a tacky magazine before throwing it at me. 

"Rob," I croaked, close to tears. "Rob, some of those pictures were photo-shopped. It's not all me!"

"So some of them are?!" He yelled at me, the first time he ever really yelled at me, as his voice broke on the last word and his eyes started to water.

"I swear Rob. All we did was kiss. Once! I met up with him once! That's it! I didn't even know what I was doing! Rob, please believe me," I pleaded, crying now. "Please. I love you. So much"

He looked at me with a gaze that made my heart shatter into a million tiny shards. "I'm sorry Kristen." 

It was those words that made me break down into hysterical sobs as I watched my entire world walk out the door.


I don't know what to do; I'm lost. My face was stiff with tears and my hair was all over the place from running my hands through it so many times. I sat up, and I could swear I felt a dull ache in my chest where my heart was.

I grew up in a happy household, I spent my whole life as an actress being real in the midst of the 'Hollywood craziness' and not caring what anyone thinks. Being utterly fearless and insanely confident was a part of who I was. Now, I was shattered. I needed Rob. He had become a part of me, specially during Twilight. In these past 5 years he became: my cast mate, my best friend, my boyfriend and my other half. I was not complete without him. My thoughts were interrupted as my phone rang, I tried to compose myself before I answered. 

"Hello?" I croaked out. 

"Are you okay?" It was the director of the movie 'Cali' I was recently working on.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I said, coughing to help clear my throat. 

"Will you be able to come into work tomorrow?" He asked. "We have a scene that really needs working on."

Work. Usually, I loved working. I was a workaholic but now the thought of working was too much for me. I didn't want to step foot out of my house for at least a few days and with the 'On The Road' press tour approaching and the 'Breaking Dawn - Part 2' one shortly after; I didn't have time. I couldn't handle this.

"Look, I don't want to cause a shit load of problems here but I'm in no condition to shoot a movie right now. I have a lot going on and I'm sorry if that causes problems but I am still a human and I'm not sure if I can't handle it right now. I'm just not ready... I'm sorry" I said as honestly as I could.

"I understand Ms. Stewart, I'll just have to put the movie on hold until your ready." He said, sounding slightly annoyed but I didn't care anymore. 

"Thanks man." I sighed and ended the call.

I turned my phone off, not wanting any connection with the outside world and ran my hand through my hair. I looked down at my hand, Bella's wedding ring on my middle finger. I wore it because it reminded me of the amazing day we shot the wedding; and the amazing experience I had on filming the whole of the saga; but it also represented my love for Rob. The necklace that he'd given me for my 22nd birthday hung around my neck, where it always was. Neither of these things I ever took off. I twirled the ring around my finger, a tidal wave of emotion drowning me, and a tear rolled down my cheek again. 

(Robert's P.O.V)

I didn't even bother to pack my bags to leave; the majority of my things at Kristen's house, where I practically lived when we wasn't working. Kristen. My love. A pang of guilt and pain washed over me. It took all I had to walk out that door. It's taking everything I have not to turn around and take her back right now. 

"Kristen," I murmured to myself as I got to my house, not far from Kristen's. I managed to evade paparazzi today. I was relieved, I wasn't in the mood to be harassed right now. I slumped on the sofa, in agony. I was fighting the tears on the way here, but now I let them flow, sobs rocking through my body. 

"Why Kristen? Why?" I asked out loud, the tears increasing as I thought of her. I loved her more than anything. 

A/N: okay, that kinda sucked but I needed something to kick start the story. Don't worry! It'll get happier and more interesting :) Please vote; I'll love you forever ;) I hope you enjoyed anyway, sorry it's short, it will get longer! ~ WorshipStew 

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