Chapter 3 - The Daily Show

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  • Dedicado a Robert Pattinson <3

(Robert's P.O.V)

She was everywhere. Everything reminded me of her. I couldn't live without her; I just couldn't. It  felt  near impossible. It seemed like she hadn't left her home in weeks, that was until I saw her at the 'On The Road' premiere yesterday, pictures of her all over the magazines, each new picture stabbing at my heart. There were headlines that read:

'The star stepped back into the spotlight, bravely looking better than ever - way to go, K-Stew!'

She looked absolutely beautiful, but there was something missing in her pretty green eyes. It broke my heart, even more, to know that I was that something. I was flipping through when I suddenly froze. It was hard to see, but underneath the dress, there was the locket I'd given her for her 22nd birthday. She hadn't taken it off. Guilt washed over me. She was suffering because of me. Another headline caught my eye, instantly reminding me why we were both separated for so long now: 

'Stewart cheated on Pattinson, 26, with Sanders who directed her and his wife Liberty Ross in the film Snow White And The Huntsman'

Another stab at the heart. I thought of her words, the ones she desperately pleaded to me just over a month ago. The ones I couldn't seem to forget:

"I swear Rob. All we did was kiss. Once! I met up with him once! That's it! I didn't even know what I was doing! Rob, please believe me. Please. I love you. So much"

I'd had those words run through my mind, over and over, for weeks; analysing them endlessly. She may only have met up with him once, but she still did. I didn't understand; I thought she loved me. I was wallowing in sadness, it seemed to take over lately. My arms wanted her embrace, my mind wanted her here and my heart wanted to be fixed. Bleep! Bleep! My phone broke through the silence, taking my thoughts, momentarily, away from my yearning for Kristen. 

"Hello?" I said into the reciever. 

"Hey Rob, where are you?" A familiar female voice asked, suddenly reminding me of where I was supposed to be right now.

Shit! I had an interview with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show. "Erm, coming Rachel!"

"You forgot didn't you?" my stylist questioned. 

"Yeah I did, I'm sorry, I have a lot on my plate." I sighed.

"Okay, I understand, though hurry up, you need to get ready"

I rushed over to the studio, meeting screaming fans on the way in. I stopped for a few minutes to sign some auto-graphs but I was quickly shoved inside and around backstage to meet my stylist. I stared into the mirror, my thoughts thinking back to Kristen again, missing her so badly it physically hurt, while Rachel did my hair. She then quickly dressed me in a suit with a navy shirt and black tie. I was nervous, I didn't have time for my publicist to plan anything that the interviewer might ask. Let's hope he didn't ask anything personal, and save me the embarrassment. I was suddenly being ushered towards the edge of the stage where Jon introduced me, sending the live audience into applause, claps and screams erupting across the studio. 

"Please welcome back to the programme, Mr Pattinson!" Jon announced as I walked onto the stage, waving briefly at the screaming audience. "Nice to you see you again."

"Nice to see you," I said, shaking his hand and sitting down and the audience claps died out. 

"So, what have you - been up to?" He asked cheekily, making me slightly uncomfortable.

"God! I thought we already had prepared this, I had a joke prepared!" I laughed, trying to ease the tension and change the subject. 

"Really?," He laughed.

"Yeah, dammit, I was all set up, and ready to go." I joked.

"Alright, let's just do this," Jon said cracking open Ben & Jerry's and placing it in front of me with a spoon on top.

I laughed and then started awkwardly eating, as did Jon. "We're just a couple of gals talking, tell me everything." he probed. 

I should have known this would have been what the interview would be about. It was everywhere. I felt a little annoyed, I knew this came with the job but my private business was out for everyone to see. 

"This is the problem with actors," I began. "In every awkward interview situation you have like-"

He cut me off, examining the melting ice-cream. "This is the problem with my show, we don't have a freezer!" 

I laughed as he started sucking the melting ice-cream from the tub. The audience cheered, clearly amused. We sat discussing ice-cream flavours and me joking about eating ice-cream in case I get fat. I joked around like this to keep it from going back to Kristen. Her name sent another jab at my heart but I kept smiling despite the pain. My diversion didn't work for long.

"Is everything alright? I'm worried about you." I knew exactly what he was reffering too. I carried on eating ice-cream, and attempted to change the subject. 

"I don't even know how to approach this now," I said, pointing at the melting ice-cream.

The subject change seemed to work. We sat discussing American historians and trending topics on twitter, and other weird things. I laughed, trying to keep the mood light. "This isn't a bad idea," I noted, referring to the Ben & Jerry's again. "This should be on every interview."

"Well, when I had a bad break up," He started. Oh-no, I'd thought we'd got away from this. "Ben & Jerry's got me through some of the tougher times so I thought you and I could bond over this and talk about 'boy you are better off without her, kick her to the curb!'" He mocked in a 'girly' impression.

I felt a pang of anger as the croud cheered. They were cheering on me and Kristen's break-up. I got a little mad, wanting to defend her, but didn't let it show.

"Was that an impression of yourself?" I laughed.

"That was me at about 17 till 38" He joked, before continuing. "I hope you can deal with your personal issues and your personal life and I wish you all the best, you're a nice kid. Robert Pattinson everybody!" 

The audience cheered and I shook his hand, glad the interview was over. I walked outside, signing more auto-graphs for screaming fans as they screamed their 'I love you's' at me before getting into my limo and going home.

I got into my bed that night feeling incredibly drained; physically and emotionally. I was tired of people messing with my personal life. Normally, I wouldn't let it get to me but without Kristen, I couldn't stand it. I crawled into bed, falling asleep almost immediately, and I dreamed of her. 

A/N: Sorry if that was boring, I roughly copied the real interview he actually had with Jon Stewart. I wanted to make the story as close to what really happened as possible, as far as public appearances are concerned anyway, but making up the personal parts, obviously :P I hope you enjoyed it :) ~ WorshipStew

Eyes On Fire (Robsten Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora