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A woman: well I think someone is missing?!

Jackosn: mom!....

Woman: jackson

Jackson runs towards her and hugs her

Jackson and his mother cries

Jackson: you know how much I missed you?

Woman: yeah... I missed you too...

Jackson: is everything good...? How are you doing?

Woman: yeah everything's good...

Jackson: cool... how's dad doing?

Woman: busy....as usual....

Jackson: hmmmm....sakshi come here....

Sakshi comes towards them....

Jackson: sakshi meets my mom evrin marsh and mom meet my best friend sakshi sajdeh....

Evrin: nice to meet you sakshi

Sakshi: nice to meet you too Mrs marsh

Both sakshi and evrin hugs...

Evrin: sakshi....!

Sakshi: yeah....

Evrin: sounds like an indian name...

Sakshi: yeah...

Jackson: yeah let's have coffee

Evrin: yeah...great idea

Jackson: sakshi?

Sakshi: okay for me....

The three of them goes to a coffee house...

The three of them will have chat for a long time...

Jackson: how about having coffee?

Evrin: yeah...

Jackson: waiter?....

Waiter: order sir....

Evrin: I'll have a black coffee

Jackson: sakshi you?

Sakshi: hmmm...

Jackson:wait let me guess?! hot coffee with more cocoa powder on it

Sakshi: wait....let me guess yours....cold coffee with vanilla layer....

Jackson: yeah....you got it....
Waiter, please get them...

Waiter: sure sir....

Jackson and sakshi laugh...

Evrin is so happy that her son got a best friend....

Coffee comes

The three of them have coffee

Suddenly Jackson gets a call

Jackson: will you both excuse me for a moment I have a call to take....

Evrin: yeah....you can....

Sakshi: sure....

Jackson goes..

Evrin looks at sakshi and....

Evrin: look sakshi

Sakshi: yeah....

Evrin: you guys have the best friendship....

Sakshi laughs....

Evrin: look I know that he is staying away from home just because his father hates him.... but Jackson is my whole world.... I can't leave him behind.... but this whole phoebe thing.... you know phoebe right?

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