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"Vile, vile bloody bastards," Rahul seethed. "How dare they?!"

"Calm down, Rahul." Jassi tried to alley his anger.

Rahul bit his tongue to stop the hoard of insults incoming.

"They think Virat bhaiya is too aggressive," Rishab said, Morosely, "and it's wrong?"

"No, it's not-" Jassi tried to speak.

"OF COURSE IT'S NOT!" Rahul cut him off, yet again.

Jassi sighed. Oh, god.

"No, Rishab. He's not wrong... It's because of him that they don't sledge us too much over the limits," Rahul hung his head low. "And it's completely not fine to always keep hearing. He replies, we don't, and that is where the problem lies."

"Then reply back." Rishab suddenly lit up. "It won't be a problem then, will it?"

Jassi's eyes widened.

"WHAT?" He practically yelled in Rahul's ear.

"That's a good idea, Rishab." KL finally smiled after 2 hours of continuous cursing, scowling and banging his fists on the table.

"No, Rahul, it's no-" Jassi tried protesting, but was shut down by Rahul.

"Tell me one thing, jassi," He folded his legs on the bed, facing him. "Even Dada was aggressive, wasn't he?"

All jassi could do was nod, meekly.

"He knows how aggression is like," Rishab continued, "he himself was an aggressive captain, giving back what opposition gave him."

Jassi nodded again.

"Then, the thing is, how can the board say that Virat is too aggressive? Or, in other words, that aggression is Wrong?" Rahul asked. "That doesn't make any sense when they have Dada on board, that too, as the BCCI PRESIDENT!"

"I won't say that HE OR HIS AGGRESSION IS WRONG, Rahul," Jassi tried explaining. "But, I mean, - - -"

"You mean what?" Rahul cocked a brow at him. "Virat has always supported us, jassi. And now it IS OUR TURN."

"And it's not like we start the sledging, anyway." Rishab said, "they'll start it, that's their habit."

"And we'll just reply back," Jassi gave a small smile. "I'm in."

Rahul shot an ear-to-ear grin to both of them, and they ran to gather the team, to tell them about their plan.

"No, I mean, will it be okay-?" Shardul asked, still not sure about the plan.

Rahul rolled his eyes.

"IT HAS TO BE OKAY, WHEN THE MAJORITY OF US DO IT, YOU KNOW." He told shardul in a slightly higher tone.

"And anyway, they can't change the WHOLE team, can they?" Jassi counter questioned.

"The world has anyway seen the calm side," Ash continued. "And that's because Virat always replies, and we never needed to."

"And now that he's being attacked for that," Mayank said, "we WILL reply, of course."

"I won't say that's wrong" Pujji gave a clear signal.

"And I'm completely in for this," Shami said, "Virat always has our backs."

"Don't be TOO aggressive," Jinks told them, "but don't keep too calm too."

Siraj and hanuma didn't cause much of nuisance to give in.

That night, all Virat could see was sly grins on his teammates' faces, and he couldn't figure out what was up, despite his overthinking nature.

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