Another Birthday

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The general buzz from downstairs rivaled the annual Christmas party. It was a unique event and there were several long lost people in attendance. Down below Zoé, Marc, and Nathaniel mingled with their Parisian friends.

Adrien had asked her once what the situation exactly was with that trio. In response Chloé gave a shrug of her shoulders and a mischievous grin, 'Does it matter? Who are we really to judge?'

The consternation that Marinette and Felix being together brought to faces was something devilishly fun to see. Adrien was glad he'd been prepared since February, and more than comfortable by April. Now in July he could be nothing but happy for the quirky pair.

Quirky, like he had room to talk. Adrien paused halfway down the stairs and looked back. "You coming?"

"I have to, don't I?" There was trepidation rather than contempt in those words. "I'm holding the guest of honor." Chloé considered, "Unless you'd take her?"

Adrien walked back up. There were voices near the bottom of the stairs, curious partygoers. Adrien transferred Audrey to his hip from Chloé's. "I can actually, but you still need to go down there, now march." He sealed the order with a light kiss on her cheek.

She'd toned herself down for the meeting. An ankle length tweed dress, tight at the top and loose pleated skirts. You couldn't subdue golden tresses like that though. Her trademark ponytail would be a stark reminder for many. Adrien decided to go first after all. Chloé followed close in his wake.

He'd miscalculated. As soon as Audrey appeared Emma and the Lahaffie herd descended upon him and he was peeled away from his shadow. The commotion drew eyes from both rooms. Chloé was caught under them all. Her chin lifted for the briefest of instants, old habits die hard under stress, but it fell again almost instantly. She wet her lips, one hand clenched in her skirts and opened her mouth to speak when sound broke the silence

"Chllllloooooeeeeeeéééé!" A ginger streak slammed into the stunned blond. Sabrina squeezed her long estranged friend and tormentor in what could only be the most pure form of forgiveness. The ice broke, the moment passed. Sabrina had been the truest of friends once more. Adrien ever so carefully instructed Emma in how to hold Audrey while the other kids watched. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Sabrina positively glowing while Chloé made a show of complimenting her on her prominent baby belly.

Alya sidled up to him, also running interference as her brood all attempted to interact with the baby at once. "You're still an idiot, but apparently a fortunate one."

Adrien kept his eyes down on Emma as he talked. She was absorbed with care and the exertion of holding a one year old. "I'd like to think things turned out well for everyone. Mari looks happy. Felix looks... well like Felix but we can assume it's happiness or he wouldn't be here. I'm happy, and if Chloé can make it through the night without dying from a nervous breakdown she's happy too. That's four happy people instead of two unhappy ones."

"This wasn't how things were supposed to end up."

"That's just it, isn't it? Someone had the bright idea that we were 'ending up' at seventeen. There was still a lot more to go apparently. 'The end' was just 'to be continued.' "

"Is this the end?"

"I hope so. I mean, Lord knows both Chloé and I have problems, but I feel more prepared to work on anything that comes up this time. We're just taking it as it comes. I think Mari and Felix are about the same too."

Alya nudged him and nodded down to his left hand. "Is that taking it as it comes? I know I said don't linger, but that was fast."

Adrien grinned and held up the hand to show off the silvery ring. "Faster than you know. We're divorced. That makes twice in less than a year so I'm a proper celebrity now."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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