Interlude the Fifth:On the First Date

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She stopped, leaving the message unfinished. What if he didn't reply? What if he got a new number? Was this a clean break? Should she leave him alone? Had he been silently stewing, angry at her for that kiss? No, he would have mocked her for it by now, wouldn't he? She could hear it in the silence. Vexing Harlot! It wasn't right though, in her head the words always poured over with affection not anger.

Marinette took a deep breath. "Don't panic 'nette. There's no need to panic. This is silly. He was just a tenant. He was fun to have around, but you don't need to be all weepy. Get a hold of yourself, you're the head of a major brand. Crazy Woman." Those last words she said in his voice without thinking. Marinette bonked herself on the head. "No, it's nothing. It's a quiet house, no big deal. Tomorrow he'll throw a text, you'll check out his new place and it'll all just be a comfortable friendship again. That's all it ever was." Lies never served us well.

Marinette went about making herself a late dinner. She skipped a glass of wine, she wasn't keen on finishing a bottle alone. She could call her folks, they would probably love the company even if they would be going to bed soon. Her mom would stay up all night if she had to. No, leave them be. You're an adult.

Marinette ate in silence and cleaned the dishes. Thankfully she was still exhausted and it would be an early day even without having to get Emma to school. She crawled into bed, praying for sleep.

Two hours later she curled up with the neatly folded clothes on the twin bed in the barren room, and finally slept.


June 2nd, waking up alone. She realized her phone was back in her own bedroom and sleepily padded in to fetch it. The message icon glowed up at her in the darkness. Marinette dove for the end table.

Adrien: Heya. Littlebug is all snugged and safe. Hope you're doing well. Let me know if you want a call with her sometime today. We should talk ourselves soon. I want to plan a birthday party in July, and I'll need your help. Love ya, ttyl.

Marinette had the common decency to feel ashamed she was disappointed in a message about her daughter's safety. She fired back a quick acknowledgement and set to getting herself functional for the day. By the end of her shower she'd centered herself but she's also given herself permission to be a grouch for the day. No one owed her anything and she didn't need anyone but she was also completely okay with being cantankerous in her loneliness.

She decided to make it a work from home day; people could deal with it. It was also a PJs day, and a glass of wine with lunch day. When the doorbell rang in the afternoon she had to unearth herself from her laptop and a very cozy pillowfort. She decided to answer the door with a sheet over her shoulders, it was easier than finding pants and might give whoever the idea she was not inclined to chat.

So, of course it was Felix standing there in the bright afternoon sun, fully dressed to the nines in his button down and vest combo. He had one hand behind his back in a classic atrisocractic pose but there was the briefest look of unease on his face as she opened the door then confusion, embarrassment, and that oh so familiar judgment as he took in her hermit-like attire. "Good Afterno-"

"Felix Graham, what the hell are you doing back here?" she gave him her best bedsheet glare, which was admittedly not very intimidating.

"I- um-" She had him on the ropes with that? "Am I not welcome at your door?" he asked with what appeared to be genuine concern.

"I just figured you wouldn't be back after leaving all the clothes I made for you behind and going radio silent."

Felix seemed to get his bearings again. "Radio silent? Nette, it was yesterday." That wasn't the proper stern tone, too soft. Was he humoring her?

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