Chapter 2: Things to go Over

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Once we have all settled down in the dining room of my treehouse, and I have laid out a spread of food for my guests, we start with introductions. I learn that the names of the hobbits are, Merry, Pippin, Sam, and Frodo and that the man from Gondor is named Boromir. It is also explained to me why they are here and what they are doing on their quest. As Aragorn finished explaining, I looked at him in shock and hurt. Hearing what happened to Gandalf crushed me. He had been more than just a friend to me over the years, he had become a part of my rather large, and weird, Middle Earth family.

"I'm surprised to see you Frodo. You've grown so much since I last went to the Shire to see dear Bilbo. In fact the last time I saw you, you were only an infant. I'm honestly not surprised that you don't remember me." I chuckle as the small hobbit looks at me in bewilderment. "But, may I ask why you brought it here?" I ask gesturing to the ring around Frodo's neck. No one spoke for a few moments, then Frodo replied,

"Gandalf told Aragorn to bring us here if something happened in the mines." I look at him with sympathy. The poor little fellow was walking around with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Well, Mr. Frodo," I say kindly "I believe that Gandalf was right in sending you all here. He knew that I'd let you seek refuge here if need be. So, in saying that let's get you all off to bed. We shall head deeper into the forest of Lothlórien first thing in the morning." I say happily, as I begin to clear up everything from dinner. After a while of setting up where everyone was going to sleep, I go off to bed. As I head up the walkway towards my room, someone pulls me into my study.

"I wanted to speak to you in private." a soft, melodic voice whispers from behind me as a pair of warm arms wrap around my torso.

"Legolas? Yes of course, what's wrong?" I ask quietly turning in the Elves' grasp.

"Nothing, I just want to chat for a bit. Elves don't sleep much, remember?" he says in a teasing manner. I chuckle and walk him over to the couch in the back corner of my study so we can look out the window.

"So, what's up buttercup?" I ask and earn a chuckle out of the blonde Prince.

"As I said, I just want to chat, catch up a bit." I hear him sigh heavily as he leans against the couch behind me. After a few moments of silence, we begin to talk about what had been happening in our lives over the past 77 years. I told him about all of my travels and how I met the wolves who were currently sleeping in my living room, and about every other interesting thing that had happened in my life after losing contact with him.



Just wanted to say that I'll try not to do these Authors' notes very often. I know how they can get annoying, but I just wanted to say that if you like the story so far lmk and tell others about it. I don't really care about how many reads I get, just want to put some of my love and appreciation out there to share with the fandom since it's literally one of my greatest joys in life, just watching the films and reading all the books I can lay my hands on. So yeah. hope you enjoy the rest of it, and please feel free to drill me with comments and messages to update, I'm a rather forgetful person and don't want to slack off or forget to update if I can help it. That being said, I do have Uni commitments, and I'll try to let you know if uploads are gonna be slow because of it.

Anyway, see ya, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.

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