My Heartbeat-Beats

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The Request:
AO3 - JoellelaRonda- Maybe a fic where Dolores gets pregnant before her and Mariano are married

Dolores was wound up in a way that left her almost shaking, quivering as she paced relentlessly on her balcony. She'd been in this state since she'd heard it just a few days ago for the first time and it had put her right on the edge. She was teetering between being absolutely terrified and full of utter joy, the two strongest emotions battling a war that she wasn't sure which would win out in the end. Too many heartbeats thudded in her ears and mixed with the worried whispers of her family, all wanting to know what was going on with her. She'd been sequestered in her room for almost a full week. Her heart hurt the most to hear Mariano fretting down there with them, wondering if he had done something wrong.

She stopped and gripped the railing in both hands- squeezing as tight as she could. She knew she needed to go down there and tell them, but how could she? What would they think of her knowing what she had done? Knowing what she had allowed? What would they think of him? She didn't know if she had the guts to go down there yet, but the past week she found herself thankful that it was she who had the enhanced hearing and not anyone else in her gifted family. It had only happened once, and yet that was all it took.

Dolores attempted to take a steadying breath as she forced herself to leave her room, knowing they would soon decide to confront her by forcing Casita to let them in. She wrung her hands and twisted her bracelets, the heartbeats only getting louder and louder, making it harder to keep taking the stairs. Slowly she went, one stair at a time, taking a calming breath with each one she took, vision tunneling to the bottom steps. As she was coming down, the family seemed to appear out of nowhere to gather right where she could see them.

Mariano reached out to receive her as she reached them, gently taking her into his arms. His eyes were full of concern, yet she did not take any notice as her gaze had turned downward just enough to not look at anyone. "I-" she swallowed thickly, knowing she'd have to say something, anything, now that she was here. "Um-"

"Amor, what is wrong? Tell me, please." He almost begged her in his gentle way. Oh how she loved how gentle he always was with her, how loving, romantic and caring he was. The thought of that gave her an image, a beautiful image. In her mind's eye she could see him laying a child on his chest as he swayed, a soft and adoring look on his face. It was something that warmed her instantly, made her more willing.

She realized while she was frozen, the rest of her family also were asking questions in soft voices, wanting to help but needing to know what the problem was. They had gone silent after she didn't respond. Dolores forced herself to look up and at the faces of each one of them in turn, trying to steel herself for the potential reactions.

Two words was all she said.

"I'm pregnant."

The uproar was immediate, but not the kind of loud in the way she expected. She expected yelling, shouts, and a litany of emotions: anger, disappointment, distrust, disgust. All of that and everything in between, that is what she expected. Expected, but not received. What she received instead was joy and love and wonder. Amidst her family's excitement, she heard her lover next to her- his heartbeat stuttered, and wonder filled his expression. "You're pregnant?" he breathed the words, "I'm going to be a father? Truly?" He was absolutely astounded.

She nodded, looking at him again. "Yes." her mouth felt dry and her throat thick. His joy was infectious, she was sure it had infected her whole family." He leaned close and kissed her temple before hugging her tightly to his chest.

"You- you're not mad?" she turned to her parents and Abuela, her back to his chest now as his arms wrapped protectively around her and he kissed the side of her head once more.

"I know I should be, and I know somewhere inside I am, but I'm also really happy." Felix assured his daughter first, seeming confused why he wasn't jumping up to beat Mariano senseless for touching his daughter before they were married, before they were even engaged. "You really should have been married first." Pepa twitched slightly, "People will talk."

"But we will see this for the blessing it is." Abuela was the one who shocked her the most. "You will have all the support you need." she looked between them, "We shall begin planning the wedding immediately. It may be before, it may be after, but it will happen." she announced to them. Mariano wouldn't show his disappointment, he wanted to propose on his own, but as she finally allowed herself to smile, she knew that he still would find a way to give her the proposal he was dreaming of. He would.

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