alternate ending

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WINTER, 2018
To all the broken promises I wish to fix.

He sighed, lifting his suitcase out of the car. He glanced behind him at the house, watching as snow began to blanket the town. The wind whispered secrets to him, and the tree branches waved hello, for an old friend had returned. "Thanks," he said to the driver, shutting the door. The car quickly drove off, leaving him alone with the cold.

He slowly dragged his bag through the dusting of snow on their driveway, blinking away a flake that made its home on his eyelashes.

He shook his head, climbing the three small steps to his front door. "Home," he said before knocking. His keys were buried deep in his luggage, like the memories he once had in this town.

"Harry," whispered the woman as she opened the door. "We missed you," she added, allowing him to step inside.

"Took a holiday for you to visit," added his sister from the steps.

Harry sighed, pressing his lips together. "Hi mum, Gemma."

And that was that. The women turned away and continued to prepare dinner. Harry watched as they retreated to the kitchen, taking his beanie off his head. He lifted his luggage and brought it up to his childhood room, placing it down on the blue carpet. He sat on the edge of his bed, removing his shoes and jacket.

A soft knock at his door caused him to look up, speaking to allow entry to his visitor. His mother walked in, crossing her arms across her chest as she leaned against his door frame.

He let out a breath, brushing his fingers through his hair, which was getting longer. "This is more than me not visiting you." He whispered.

"Lottie and I have become great mates while you have been gone," Anne started, standing up straight. "She would ask if you planned on coming home to visit Louis, or if you would even muster up the courage to call him. Harry Edward Styles, this is not the man I raised. I allowed you to grieve with what...he did to you all those years ago, I defended you to the late Troy when you broke Louis' heart. You were hurting. And yet, you did it again. With no excuse this time. Louis was your best friend, and even a phone call could have prevented this, but nothing. No call to him, and barely even a call to me. Are we not your family, Harry? Who has been there for you all these years?" She whispered, wiping away a tear. He didn't like watching his mother cry. "I'm disappointed in you, Harry. That boy loves you more than words can describe. She had brought him over here once, a few weeks ago. She said it was because he insisted you were playing hide and seek and he had to find you." Anne said, moving to sit next to her only son. "I know seeing Louis again brought up many memories you had wished to keep buried, but you can't punish him anymore because of it. I love you, Harry, you are my son. I will love you no matter what, but please, make this right. You are hurting more than just yourself."

It was silent for a few moments. Harry didn't know how to reply to her, or what to say at all. All that he knew was that she was right.

Louis is his best friend. It's time he stops letting himself get in the way of that.

"I'm going to go visit him, for his birthday." Harry whispered, looking up at her, but she wasn't looking at him. "You're right."

"I'm always right," she replied before pulling her son into a hug.

• • •

A few days later, he made his way through the snow, admiring the streets on the quiet Christmas Eve afternoon. White silence blanketed the town, soft lights glowing within the houses. Christmas music flowed through his headphones and he stepped to the beat, holding the wrapped present close to his chest. A few people huddled together as they finished up their Christmas errands, laughing with holiday cheer.

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