Turn about is fair play

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Just when Bucky was coming up with his own plan to get back at Wren, she was assigned to a mission that took her away for nearly three weeks with Steve. Frustrated and irritated with the situation he bided his time until she returned. She haunted his dreams. At first it had been a nice change from his usual nightmares, but he'd always had a vivid imagination. The things she would do to him and him to her made it so that he woke up every morning hard and aching. He took his sexual frustrations out in the gym much to Sam's annoyance since he was his sparring partner with Steve gone.

The longer she was away the more desperate he was to deal with Wren and this need he had for her. To Bucky's thinking he just needed to get her out of his system. That if they slept together then this physical attraction for each other would go away and things could go back to the way it was.

But even when she came back he could never seem to get her where he wanted her. The closest he came to being in the same room as Wren would be when they'd be surrounded by people in the gym or in a meeting with the team. At no point did he have access to her that was ever private. That is until almost a month after she got back. He'd been on his way down to the gym to test out the new adjustments Tony made to his arm when he spotted Wren on her way back up to their floor to shower and change after her time in the gym.

She had pulled her long dark hair up into a high ponytail to keep it out of her face, giving him an unobstructed view of her clear skin that was still flushed pink from her hard workout. Her gorgeous body was encased by the tightest clothes he'd ever seen highlighting every inch of her curves. She was dressed in all black with hints of gold striping that brought out the creamy tones in her skin. From her sports bra, to the latticed crop top that might as well be invisible, to her spandex shorts all the way down to her Nike's.

Thinking fast he hooked his metal hand around her elbow and whisked her into the nearest room which just so happened to be a supply closet. Not the ideal place for what he had in mind, but he'd work with what was available. Wedging the door shut he turned around to face the woman who'd been invading his dreams and plaguing his nearly every waking moment. Her beautiful face screwed up in annoyance as she pulled her arm away and tried to get to the door. "Barnes, what the hell are you doing?"

Smirking down at her he folded his arms across his chest and leaned against the only escape from this room. "Giving us a chance to talk." Her hazel eyes narrowed up at him as her pouty mouth twisted into a sneer.

"And why would I want to talk to you? I'd have thought it was apparent that I was actively avoiding you." She said, cocking an elegant eyebrow returning his smirk with her own. Now it was Bucky's turn to frown. She'd been avoiding him? Why?

Wren's smirk widened into a grin at his expression of confusion until he uncrossed his arms and straightened up. Taking two steps forward to close the distance between them his eyes flashed down at her. Suddenly she wasn't so sure about what this was. "What are you doing?" She asked, backing up until she bumped into the shelves behind her.

He noted the way her hungry eyes trailed down his body and the way her pink tongue came out to wet her lips unconsciously making them glisten in the dim light. He was very glad that his shirt was just a tad more snug than he liked after nearly two months of avid working out. Pitching his voice in a deeper tone he licked his upper lip making her focus her attention on his mouth for a moment. "Me? I'm just checking in to see how you're doing."

Her hazel eyes had trouble meeting his because they were now currently fixated on his chest and stomach. Flexing just a bit as he leaned forward to place a hand on the shelf on either side of her head. Bucky invaded her personal space until they were touching chest to groin, the feeling of her soft body better than he remembered. He watched as Wren's pale throat swallowed at the contact of their bodies while he tried to suppress his own shudder.

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