I need a favor

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Bucky's POV

Rotating his arm he shook it out. It still felt a little glitchy, but he couldn't do much until Stark came back from California. There were of course other engineers here, but he didn't trust any of them not to screw it up and then he'd have a dead arm. Tony and him might not be friends but he was fascinated by his arm and was working on a replacement for him. Buck was glad because he wanted this monstrosity off of his body. Pressing the call button for the elevator he figured he'd go down to the gym and see how off his arm really was.

As he was looking at his flexing hand the ding of the elevator caught his attention, but it was the insanely gorgeous woman inside that kept it. Bucky's eyes trailed up from her black stiletto clad feet up her shapely legs to her body wrapped in blood red silk. His eyes widened when he realized it was Wren. Since when did she dress like that?

That's right she had asked Steve out this afternoon. His gut churned at the flirting and sexual innuendos that had flown back and forth between the two. He didn't like how close they were always touching and kissing each other in front of him and everyone. Bucky had never seen Steve so relaxed and smooth in his life before. A lot had changed in their time apart, but he didn't think that much. He didn't like that they were together, but if she made his friend happy then he'd try to be happy for him. It was just killing him to do it.

"In or out Barnes. I don't have all night." Her usually snarky, but sweet sounding voice had a hint of amused annoyance that tipped him off that he'd been staring at her.

Stepping inside he moved to stand right next to her after she'd made room for him. He instantly regretted it because he was fighting to not react to how good she smelled. A combination of expensive perfume with a hint of her fruity and herb shampoo. He noted Wren shifting away a little more. "Ever heard of personal space?"

"Sure have." Was all he said as he couldn't help himself from shifting closer to her. It was a twofer he annoyed her and saw who she was texting. He could see that it was Steve, but not what they were talking about.

Tsking, she stepped further away to press her back against the wall getting as much distance as the small space allowed. "I thought I made it clear about my personal bubble. You stay out of it and my knife stays out of you."

He smirked at Wren backing away from him and mirrored her stance along the other wall. She sure did like to threaten to stab him. If she wasn't who she was he would have found it a bit of a turn on. The implied impaling had him unfortunately thinking of impaling her with his 'knife'. Her text alert went off. It was a clip of Captain America's theme song. Bucky clenched his jaw when she took a sexy picture of herself blowing him a kiss and sent it to him.

He hated that he couldn't help but ask her, "So where did you guys decide on going for your date?"

Quirking an eyebrow at him she tossed her phone back into her purse. "Why do you care?"

Frowning he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, but stopped when her eyes narrowed in on him. He shrugged like it was no big deal. "I was thinking I might go out and grab a beer later and wanted to know so I didn't ruin your guy's date."

Crossing her arms under her breasts she tilted her head to the side staring at him like some kind of bird of prey. It was a little unnerving since he knew he had his own stare like that, but she'd never gotten to him before. Had she picked it up from him during their time together?

Her slightly condescending tone made him bristle a bit. "There are plenty of bars in New York to choose from and based on your style I'm not worried we'll 'bump' into you."

He frowned looking down at his brand new clothes. Steve had taken him shopping a couple days after he'd gotten here to replace his mix matched thrift store wardrobe. He thought he looked decent for a bar at least. "What's wrong with how I dress?"

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