A silent agreement

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Bucky's POV

Once Lark left the room his eyes quickly flit over to Steve. He sees him and the other Avengers standing there with varying looks of shock and disbelief on their faces. Averting his eyes to the floor he curled his right hand into a fist before forcing it to relax. The sensory memory of her soft hand under his as they pulled the trigger had his breath catching in his throat. She was right he had forced her to kill for the first time. If it wasn't for him they would have killed her that day. It was either pass their test or be put down and then they'd kill the man anyway.

He knew that Hydra had made him do awful things, but it was one thing to read about it in a file. It was a whole other thing when his past was standing in front of him screaming at him for all to hear. Steve's quiet voice drew his eyes up to him. He could see the disappointment and disbelief in his face. "Buck, is what she said true?"

"Yes." No use in denying it or lying outright about it when they could look it up. "You know that I had no choice." He softly says hoping that his best friend will understand. That they'll all understand. Them all knowing that didn't stop the judgement coming off of them.

If anyone knew what it was like it was Romanoff. She was like him. Taken and forced to do things she'd never otherwise do given the option. Giving her a hopeful look he was surprised to see he was wrong. Her green eyes bore into his blue ones for a long silent minute before she angrily stalked out of the room.

"Way to clear a room, Barnes. It's a good thing we've already cleared the air otherwise you'd be down yet another person." Tony says, shaking his head at him. "Welcome to your new home. I'd take the warning by the way because Wren will stab you. Ask agent Turner. Man's still limping." He pats Bucky's chest as he walks past him chuckling with a man who introduced himself as Bruce. Wren? Must be her real name.

When they left he noted that Barton and a tall blonde man in a cape were still in the room with them. Clint had sat back down on the couch while the blonde giant glared down at him. Sam still stood next to Steve with his arms crossed with a matching glare of the other man he still didn't know. He immediately went on the defensive. "I was being controlled. I literally had no choice in where I went, what I did or to who. Still doesn't change the fact that she's dangerous. Why is she here? Shouldn't she be locked up?"

Sam furrowed his brow in anger and annoyance. "Shouldn't you? I mean if you wanna throw stones then you're both guilty of something you couldn't control." He throws Bucky's words back in his face.

"What do you mean? She volunteered, they all do." He tells them what a Hydra agent once said to another while they'd been on their way to one of the Sparrows Nests.

The blonde man shook his head no. When he speaks it's clear he's from England, but his manner of speaking is much too formal for even the posh elite. "Lady Wren was stolen as a child from her family and trained to become a killer. She had absolutely no choice in her upbringing."

Bucky blinks at his statement. She'd been kidnapped? Not trying to wrap his head around that he changes the subject. "What did Stark mean when he said she stabbed an agent? If she's supposedly on your side then why is she maiming your people?"

Speaking up from his spot on the couch Barton tells him, "Agent Turner didn't take her warning to leave her alone seriously. He grabbed her arm when she went to walk away. If it wasn't for her training she'd have sliced off his family jewels." Every man winced, including him. "Narrowly missed his femoral artery. Told him next time she wouldn't miss."

Sam nodded with a harsh grin, "Not only did he get stabbed, but he was demoted, reassigned and put on leave for harassment. Come to find out he'd been on her since day one and she hadn't said anything to anyone because she didn't want to rock the boat. Didn't think we'd believe her and that this was normal here." He shrugged, but he only got angrier at the thought of his teammate being sexually harassed.

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