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Wren's POV

Seething, Wren clenched and unclenched her hands as she glared at Bucky from across the quinjet. He glared back before a smug smirk tugged at his lips when he saw how badly he was getting to her. Just breathe, he's not worth it. Focus. Find your center and remember what Tony said, if you kill him Steve will be less inclined to be your friend.

Closing her eyes she began to count to twenty because ten wasn't going to cut it right now. She softly began to count to herself. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 -"

"Looking a little flushed there, doll. Everything alright?" His deep chuckle snapped her eyes open to see him staring at her in amusement. Arms crossed over his chest he had his head tilted to the side and down as his blue eyes bore into hers. His tongue flicked out to run over his upper lip before biting down on his bottom lip to keep back his laughter when she glared back at him.

Smoothing out her face she fakes a sweet smile at him to throw him off. His grin drops at the sight of her happier demeanor. He was right to be wary when she smiled at him. It usually meant she was about to get one over on him.

Just when Wren went to open her mouth to rip him a new one she was interrupted by Steve calling out that they were five minutes out from the Tower. Thank God. Just five more minutes and then she could get the hell away from his stupid face. She needed a shower, a stuff drink and to get laid. Thinking about going out and finding a man to take care of her tense body's needs put a real smile on her face. There, she'd found her calm.

She smiled wider when Bucky frowned at her unsure what was going on inside her head. Grinning, she teases him. "You look annoyed, soldat. What's the matter? No little kids to scare off your lawn?"

"What? That doesn't even make any sense." He scoffs, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Yes it does. It means you're a grumpy old man who hates kids." She smirked as she crossed her legs and settled back in her seat.

Offended, he uncrossed his arms and leaned forward to glare at her. He really does love a good glare doesn't he? "I don't hate kids! Who says I hate kids?"

God he was so easy to rile up. "Your face. Maybe you should go back to wearing your mask. Then you might not scare them off as much."

Before he could retort Wren stood up and went to sit in the copilot seat next to Steve. Buckling in she gives him a innocent smile. At least the last few minutes of this flight could be spent in decent company. He chides her by just saying her name. "Wren.."

"Hiya Spangles." Shaking his head he gives her a raised eyebrow. Widening her eyes she plays into the innocent thing. "What?!"

He gives her the 'Steve Rogers' look. "I thought you said you were going to be nicer to Bucky." She placed her hand on her chest in mock outrage.

"That was me being nice! I could have stabbed him or shot him in the face, but I didn't. I feel like I've shown real self restraint lately. You should be proud of me not chastising me." Sighing he rolled his eyes and gave his full attention to landing the quinjet. Poking his cheek she grinned up at him. "Come on, you have to admit our interactions have gotten better over the last six weeks."

Bucky yells from his spot in the back. "How has it gotten better? You almost impaled my face with a knife three days ago!"

Whipping around she yelled back at him stabbing her index finger in his direction. "Hey, I missed you! Don't be an ungrateful little bitch. Maybe make some damn noise when you walk so people can at least have the option to run in the opposite direction!"

Sitting back, Wren couldn't help but smirk at the look on Bucky's face when that butcher knife embedded in the wall two inches from his face. Ahh good times. He'd startled her; it was a natural reaction to defend herself. And she'd caught who it was at the last second and purposely missed. Although if she was being honest she could have held onto the knife, but where would the fun be in that?

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