25.) Best Day Ever

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I found myself, listening even harder than I should have, I couldn't bring myself to interrupt them. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. 'He is making a choice that no one else can make. He's making a choice that no one would want to make,' I hear Marcus say, 'And I think we can agree that he's the best man for the job,' 'Yes,' Claire said, 'He's the only man for the job,' I hear Marcus say, 'His destiny is not just rooted in pain but in betrayal, anger, sadness. His entire life, he's going to be walking a path of sadness and desolation,' It's then that I hear Dottie say, 'Why does he have to walk this path, this path of oblivion?'

I find myself, wanting to peek over. Before I could peek over, I hear Claire say, 'Because he's the only one who will give humanity a tomorrrow. If we believe in this man, he'll give humanity a tomorrow. He'll make it so no other child has to suffer,' 'Are you sure that's what he did?' I hear Marcus say. 'Yes. He bears the world's sin for one day and when he does it, he saves alll of those who have been wronged by the great war that's coming. All we can do is wish Dottie a goodbye,' 'But I don't want her to go,' I hear Marcus say, 'No one wants her to go. Not me, not you and not the woman listening in on this conversation,' I hesitate to want to speak up, how did they know I was here? 'It's okay, you can come in. We won't say anything and we're not mad.'

'Please reveal yourself,' As I walk into the room, I see all of them looking at me and then for a moment, I felt all of them looking through me. 'We know why you're here but is listening in on the conversation really necessary?' "I'm sorry," I say to them, "I" 'We know. You weren't eavesdropping, you were walking in but you could have spoken up sooner. Do you have any questions, Jeane?' "No, I don't," I say to them, patiently. 'Good. If you're going to kill our sister,' I hear Marcus say, 'please do us one favor. Respect her as if she was someone important. Don't just shut your mind down.' 'Marcus, you shouldn't say that,' 'I see her sins. There's a special place in hell for what she's done and you all know it. For what she's going to do,'

"I'm sorry but you don't really know me like that, young man," 'Do I really not know you?' Marcus said, his cold eyes focused on me, 'You stink of sin but not like Apollos. Apollos took no pleasure in killing, you took pleasure in killing innocent lives. Still, you're not as bad as his older sister. All I'm asking you is to honor our sister because she would have been a great woman if she would have been allowed to grow,' It's then that I see it, the tears flowing down his face, Apollos said they didn't bleed blood but for me, I didn't think it was possible to see vampires this human. Even the vampire children were natrually cold to the humans, but these children are not, they are kind and gentle, their soul reminds me of the timemen that I used to hurt. It's not only that they could see my sins and read my mind, these children were spirtually sensitive.

"Well I have good news then. Apollos has found a way to free you all. He has found a way to set you all free but once you are all set free, you can't come back to his room so I suggest you all pack your things. This will take 24 hours and within those 24 hours, Apollos will give you anything you want. He will set you free but you all can never return back to this life and you all will be free," It's then that Ali says, 'Are you serious? Apollos found a way to save us?' "Yes, he found a way to save you all," I say with a sincere smile, "And Dottie will be the first to go. She asked first and she came up with the idea,"

She smiles as she says, 'Yeah, I did ask first and I'm glad you were able to surprise even me with us. Alright everyone, I love you all,' she says with a smile and they all give her a group hug and she's hugging them all. They're kissing each other on the cheeks and rubbing each other's hair. 'Love you Claire. Love you Marcus. Love you Ali,' 'We love you too, Dottie,' Their tears so genuine as they're hugging each other.


I look at the midnight moon as I sit there, thinking of Jordani. The moon that was piercing this blue sky would also show the truth, I told Jeane to lie to the children so that I could ease their pain. I told her to lie because I couldn't just kill them, not after what Lucifer said hours ago but now Lucifer owes me a favor and I will be the devil that I have to be if it means those children will get a second chance.

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