"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Kate had shouted.

"What? What have I done this time?" George asked, turning the corner.

"Not you. Kayla, get your ass in here!" She cried, staring at her phone. Kayla had sped around the doorway toward the distressed woman, tailed closely by Devon.

"When were you going to tell me? Huh?" Katherine spun around, tears in her eyes threatening to fall.

"What are you-" Kayla began before being cut off.

"The texts! The texts you found! The ones between him and some other fucking whore!" She screamed, pointing angrily at her husband. Kayla stayed silent, staring at her brother in surprise.

"Wh- I never found anything, Katherine. I would have told you," Kayla swore. She moved to Kate's side, reading the screen over her shoulder. By now, the whole family had congregated in the living room, too hesitant to come in but wanting to hear what happened next. Kayla let out a small gasp, shooting an accusing look at Devon. George stood there in between it all, not knowing what to do with himself.


"Don't you DARE call me that! How could you? Who is she? Why is she in your phone and why are you telling her that you love her? Why are you calling her baby, and why are you telling her that you're going to leave me?" Kate cried with a breaking voice, throwing her arm out for emphasis.

"Hold on a second, what?" George exclaimed in shock. He moved to Kate's other side as she handed him the phone.


Mary-Jane From Work

Hey darling 😘

Hey babe. You coming home soon?

Yep, as soon as I can get off work.
Also, Kate's been sniffing around a
bit recently. Thought you should
knows since it might affect you.

Ugh, just dump the bitch already!
It's been months, she's bound to be a little bit suspicious.

I'm trying, to get rid of her, okay?
Soon, I promise. I'm probably
going to have to send
child-support money for Jennifer,
but otherwise, I'll be all yours,
I'm not sure, but I think that Kayla
might have found a conversation of

Isn't Kayla your sister?

Yeah but she was on my phone the
other day cause her boyfriend was
being a dick and smashed hers.
Like I said, I don't know if she
found something but we should
brace for the worst.

I'd much rather brace myself
against you. I'm getting bored over here without your dick to suck.

I am at your service, darling.
I swear to you, Kate will be gone
before new year's.

I can't wait.
Gotta go. Trent is home.

I'll be there around 5. Love you!

Ly 2.


George felt his blood run cold in anger.

"Oh, you fucked uuup," Nana Peg muttered from over George's shoulder. He looked up at her, when had she gotten here?

"You don't have to 'get rid of me'. I'm done! I am so fucking done!" Katherine shouted, throwing the phone on the floor. "Run off with Mary-fucking-Jane, see if I care! I hope you two are happy together, because you have ruined my fucking life!"

"Look, nothing happened, okay? It was a one time thing," Devon tried.

"Oh, fuck off. That fucking tattoo is worthless now, innit?" Katherine shot, watching as Devon's hand migrated to his neck. Under his ear was the word Trust, permanently inked in cursive for all to see. The irony was suffocating.

"Come on, darling, don't do this to me. We can go back to Canada and sort this out like adults," Devon pleaded. George sent him such a dirty look that he stopped talking.

"No, Devon. You can go back to Canada. I'm going to- fuck it, I'll go to Virginia with George! Anywhere but with you!" Katherine glanced at the brunette, who gave her a little nod.

"Alright, c'mon. Out," George used what was left of his strength to push a stunned Devon out the front door, slamming it in his face.

"We just can't have a normal Christmas, can we? It's always something," Nana Peg tutted...


Word count: 1282

Luna xx

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