Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

10 years later

A sharp knock at the door woke me from my dream, I opened my eyes realizing I had fallen asleep on top of all the paperwork piled on my desk. I shot up, wiping the drool from off my lips and trying my best to look presentable before I opened the door. My Beta, Jules Carter stood on the other side, holding two coffee cups and giving me a displeased look.

"Malia, did you really fall asleep doing paperwork again? You needn't work so hard." Jules muttered, handing me my coffee before forcing her way into my office. I just grumbled, closing the door behind her.

"I told you, it's Alpha; Jules." I corrected, going back around my desk to organize the paperwork scattered about.

"Of course, Alpha when we're down to business, Malia when it's just us." Jules says, her lips stretching into a smile before she winks and lays back on my weirdly shaped chair.

I trail my hand down my face, getting the sleep out of my eyes. I stand up, stretching my arms over my head successfully cracking my back.

"Alright, we have much to do today, meet me downstairs in the foyer in 10 minutes. I need to get myself together." I say as I walk towards the door connecting my office and my bedroom. Jules stood up, smirking over the brim of her coffee mug before pulling a fake salute.

"Yes, Alpha." She mocked, before grimacing as the look of annoyance on my face, quickly escaping into the main hallway.

I stood in front of my ceiling length mirror, studying my appearance. My dark brown hair curly hair sat unruly on the top of my head, curls sticking out every which way. My dark brown eyes looked hazy, coated with exhaustion from the mountains of paperwork I was doing. I pursed my lips, starting to pull apart the mess of curls until it looked presentable. I pulled on my joggers and a nice training bra, along with my sneakers.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, taking a moment to look at my shoulder in the mirror. Ever since my shift ten years ago, I had begun to form a tattoo. It wasn't complete, and I could tell by the faint lines that grew every day. Nobody knew what it meant, it wasn't common- no it wasn't known for this to happen. I just chalked it up to having shifted way before I was meant to shift.

Everything happens for a reason, you were meant to shift the moment that you did my wolf chimed in, her goddess like voice causing my skin to shiver and goosebumps to raise. I smiled, before leaving the bathroom and jogging down the stairs into the main foyer.

My two Beta's and my gamma sat on our wooden benches, talking amongst themselves, halting when I walked into the room. I had brought my wolf to the surface, immediately causing a shift in the atmosphere.

"Alpha" they all chimed in unison, bowing their heads in respect. Their eyes all glowed slightly yellow as their wolves joined them beneath the surface.

"Good morning, we have much to discuss about today's events." I said, shuffling through the mountains of paperwork attached to my clip board. I handed Beta Carter (Jules) her charges for the day, along with Beta Wolfstone (Lia) and Gamma Black (Gia).

"Carter, you're in charge of the training matches today. There are two new wolves who joined the pack last night that will be joining you. You are to only give them light warmups, they must be exhausted from the shift. In addition, if any of the warrior wolves slack today, they are to see me immediately" I commanded, Onyx, my wolf, bristling at the surface at her distaste for laziness.

"Wolfstone, I want you to assist in getting together the intellectual's and coming up with a strategy for protecting our borders better. A rogue slipped in last night, and almost attacked one of the new pack members. I don't know how, but I will not have a repeat." Beta Wolfstone nodded her head, grabbing the paper's and placing them between her arm and her side.

"Black, I want you to prepare all the guest rooms and make sure that all of the Caretakers are ready and up to date on their vaccinations. Then assign chores for the remainder of the week, no favorites or I'll kick your ass" I commanded, adding a little extra on the last bit. Gamma black nodded sheepishly; her neck barred at the Alpha command.

"Okay, before you go. I received a letter from the king, I am supposed to receive a call from him today. I am not to be bothered with anything that isn't of top-notch importance. I'll keep my mind link open, other than that you are free to go. Have a good day." I say, a smile stretching across my face as I allowed my wolf to take the backseat once again, causing ease amongst the rest of my leadership.

"When are we going to have an us day again, we've been going at this for like 3 months straight. " Gia complains, her bright blue eyes pleading, such a contrast against her tanned skin. I rolled my shoulders back, trying to stretch my nerves out.

"Gia, we are entering the ending of the fall. You know this is when packs are more susceptible to attack. Perhaps we'll have a small pack party. No promises though, you heard me say there was a rogue that slipped past the border last night. That is a huge deal, and you should be taking it more seriously." I groaned; irritation evident. Gia sighed, before excusing herself to start her work for the day.

"You can't be mad at Gia for wanting to have some fun, Alpha. With pack stress increasing, a little something to take the edge off isn't the end of the world. You shifted when you were young, it's only been 3 years for us. We can't help still wanting to have a life." Lia says, her big green eyes boring into mine. I knew she was right. It has been nonstop the past couple of months with the rogue attacks, and the training. I had forgotten that sometimes a little party is all the pack needs to be clear minded.

"Okay, I will take it into consideration." I say, nodding my head in acknowledgement. Both Betas left, going to their respectable duties. I made my way into the kitchen, being greeted by the packs chefs. They bowed their heads in respect before continuing their cooking. I just grabbed an apple juice, and a blueberry muffin before making my way back towards my office to wait for the King's call.


A/N: Hello readers! I'm so glad you decided to give my story a chance. It's my first time writing in such a long time, so bare with me. I know this chapter was short, but it was just introductory. The rest will be worth the read. 

Thank you!

all rights reserved to the author 

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